centos ġ Դϴ dd ̹ ø.

   ȸ 16185   õ 0    


HP GEN9서버에 centos설치하다가 막혔는데 보일듯 보일듯 해결이 안됩니다 ㅠㅠ

일단 이 서버에 b140i라는 컨트롤러가 있어서 raid를 인식시키려면 centos7을 설치할때 

grub상태에서 e를 눌러 inst.dd modprobe.blacklist=ahci 를 입력하고

ctrl+x를 눌러 설치를 계속 하면 dd파일을 찾는 창이 뜨면 다운로드해 놓았던 dd파일을 올리면 된다고 알고 있는데요

usb메모리에(centos설치 메모리 말고 다른것) 드라이버 파일을 넣어놓아도

계속 드라이버를 못찾는다고 계속 뜹니다.

ㅠㅠ 파일시스탬이 문제인가 하여 fat32, ext3등으로 usb를 포멧하여 해봐도 똑같고....

멘탈이 붕괴될거같네요 ^^;;

뭔가 해결방법이 없을까요? ㅠㅠ


이 페이지를 보고 따라했는데 잘 안되네요 

ª ϼ ϰ.
Ȳ 2017-02
ӽ ⿡ ϴ.
1. Download HP Proliant Service Pack and locate the hpds driver inside it

2. Download CentOS Image and write it on a USB

3. Use dd to write the appropriate driver (u0 or u1) on a separate USB drive

4. Insert the CentOS USB in the server, boot from it but at the install menu, press e in case of an UEFI system and add on the linuxefi line the following inst.dd modprobe.blacklist=ahci

5. Press Ctrl+x or the keys needed to continue the installation

6. Insert the usb drive with the driver

7. Press r to refresh the drive list and choose the appropriate drive

8. After it unpacks, continue with the installation as usual

ϳ ȴٸ غϴ....^^

ٵ... α Ϲ ϻ Դϴ.......^^;;
׷ٸ ġ Ͻø鼭 ߰ 帮Ű Ű ͳ׿.

Ͻôٰ ߾ʵǽŴٸ
3 ġ ǹǷ HP ݼŸ Ͻø ģ ó ݴϴ....^^
Ƕ 2017-02
ȳϼ Ȳߴ ^^
ֽ ǥ(?) غôµ... ϴ ȵŴ󱸿 Ф
ε ѵ dd \ ϰ ֽϴ. DL80Դϴ.
Ȳ 2017-02
dd \ ϴ° ƴ
ٸ ޾ Ű ƴѰ ͳ׿.
Ͱ ǿܷ ؿ...^^;;

ġ ֱ ϳ
κ ʵǴٰ Ͽ غ ƹ ̽ ġ Ǵ.

ٿ ̹ ٽ ش ´° Ʈ ٿε .

ġ ķγ ϱ⿡
׽Ʈ ϱ ϳ
غ ̽ ٿ ǥ ϴ...^^;;
Revione 2017-02
̶ µ, HP Gen9 DL20 ġ 6.8 ߴ ڸ..
̵ Ἥ ġϽŴٸ Ĵٵ ġ ð ( dd   usb ã )
̿ ø Virtual Disk Install ̶ ̸ װ Ȱȭֽø ˴ϴ.
dd ġ ϸ, ġ Ǿϴ.

ش ɼ Ȱȭ Ű ü ̹ ̹ ִ Ƽ Ȱȭ Ǵ .
7.0 ־ մϴ.
Ƕ 2017-02
ƾ ۸ϸ鼭 öũ ѵ ߴ ϴ. õغڽϴ.
Ƕ 2017-02
öũ Ȱȭϰ õϿ ̳׿ Ф
׷ մϴ!
Revione 2017-02
.. ߾ ũ Ƽ ġ ż hpdsa ̹ ϼŵ ġ ǽó ׿...
ذǽñ ٶϴ.
Ȳ 2017-02
Ȥ.. ̹
ٿ ϸ̳
ٿ ũ Ƿ?

ġ os ּ
Ƕ 2017-02
Ȳ 2017-02
Ȯ Ȯ Ұ մϴ.

ũ ̸ Centos7 ٵ
4 ƴ϶ ?

Centos7.1 ̽ø rhel7u1 ġ Ͻô ̰.

ڼ ġ Ʒ ϼ.
• Save the "hpdsa-<version>.<OSupdate>.x86_64.dd.gz" file into a temporary directory. Use GUNZIP to extract "hpdsa-<version>.<OSupdate>.x86_64.dd" from this file into the same directory.
• Insert the USB-Key. Unmount USB-Key if it was automounted.
• Write the hpdsa-<version>.<OSupdate>.x86_64.dd file to the the USB-Key device.  (Ex. USB-Key is /dev/sdc)

dd if=hpdsa-<version>.<OSupdate>.x86_64.dd of=/dev/sdc1)


At the initial OS installation screen be sure to:
• Press "e" to edit grub and append the following install parameters to the "linuxefi" line.
• IMPORTANT: Remove the USB-Key once the driver has been installed to prevent the OS installer from including the USB-Key as part of the OS storage.

 modprobe.blacklist=ahci inst.dd
Ȳ 2017-02
Bø ̵ ī尡 ƴ϶ CentOS ̹ ̹ ° ߵǸ
ذ P H ̵ ī带 Ͻø ̵ ̹
B140i ̵ 尡 ƴ SATA ġÿ ̵ ̹ ʳ־ּŵ ˴ϴ.

ó ġ ־ ġ Ͽµ
P440 ٺ ׽Ʈ ߳׿......Ф
̹ ߰ ٷ ġ ˴ϴ..^^;;

㿡 ð õ B140i Ʈѷ üؼ
۾ ...^^
Ƕ 2017-02
^^ Ȳߴ ʹ ~ Ͽ ̷ Ű ֽô° ƴѵ
ῡ ϴٰ b140i sata °ɷ г ġ Ϸ ߽ϴ.
raid1 ߴµ ܵ ε
ٽѹ 帳ϴ!!
ٵ.. ¥ ȵǴ° 񶧸׿.... p420 gen9 ѹ濡 Ǵµ Դϴ Ѥ;;
epowergate 2017-02
Apollo DL00 (2ڸ) RAID Controller ̻Ѱ ϴ° ϴ.
CentOS7 ⺻ Driver ٰ ϴ.
Ͼ ߴ ִµ ʿϽø ˷帮ڽϴ

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