SAS MegaRAID Firmware Release for MegaRAID Controllers Release date: 5/6/22

   조회 6402   추천 0    

안녕Ȣ16;세요 회원 님 들

메1068; 0155;1008; 내용 1473; 1068;ǥ12;를 -아래- 에 공유합니다.

필요 시 홈6168;1060;1648;에서 다운 0155;1004;심 .104;,192;습니다.


--------------------------------------- 아래 -----------------------------------


Broadcom MegaRAID Firmware Release 



*************************PLEASE READ ON ANY OF THESE MEGARAID CONTROLLERS ************************************************


Due to minor Hardware changes on internal clock source, after upgrading to any MR 7.6 (50.6.x-xxxx) or later 

package, downgrading to MR 7.5 or older (50.5.x-xxx, 50.4.x-xxx, 50.3.x-xxx, 50.2.x-xxx, or 50.1.x-xxxx) is not allowed.

Due to changes required to support new features since MR 7.3, after upgrading to any MR 7.3 (50.3.x-xxxx) or later 

package, downgrading to MR 7.2 or MR 7.1 (50.2.x-xxx or 50.1.x-xxxx) is not allowed.

The UNMAP implementation was modified in MR 7.7 release to ensure all SSDs in the VD support UNMAP. 

When updating a controller that has FW prior to MR 7.7 via online method (i.e., restarting the MR controller alone, not the entire system), VDs created on prior releases where all members are not compliant will generate errors to syslog until the server reboot is performed.  After the reboot the VD will NOT be reported as supporting UNMAP.

Note: UNMAP is supported on SAS SSDs only; SATA and NVMe will be supported in a future release.




Supported Controller:


MegaRAID SAS 9365-28i 

MegaRAID SAS 9440-8i

MegaRAID SAS 9460-8i

MegaRAID SAS 9460-16i

MegaRAID SAS 9480-8i8e



SAS MegaRAID Firmware Release for MegaRAID Controllers

Release date: 5/6/22

Version Numbers:    


Current Package Details:

Firmware Package: 51.22.0-4545 (MR 7.22)

Firmware 5.220.00-3691



UEFI_Driver  0x07160300 (SIGNED)

Hii v07.22.03.00 (SIGNED)


SBR: 5.2000.00-0511

Previous Package Details:

Firmware Package: 51.21.0-4428 (MR 7.21)

Firmware 5.210.00-3663



UEFI_Driver  0x07150200 (SIGNED)

Hii v07.21.05.00 (SIGNED)


SBR: 5.2000.00-0511


박문형 2022-08
메일로 저 내용을 받으셨다면 정식 등록 사용자라고 생각 됩니다만..

어떻게 등록하셨나요??
헬로우 2022-08
예전에 등록해서 기억이 가물가물합니다.
"어떻게" 이 부분을 어떻게 답변을 드려야 할 지 좋은 생각이 떠오르지 않습니다.

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