GPU Á¤º¸ È®ÀÎ - GPU-Z v0.3.4

   Á¶È¸ 15891   Ãßõ 0    

GPU-Z.0.3.4.exe (433.8K), Down : 79, 2009-05

GPU Á¤º¸ È®ÀÎ - GPU-Z v0.3.4

GPU-Z v0.3.4´Â »ç¿ëÀÚ ½Ã½ºÅÛ¿¡ ¼³Ä¡µÇ¾î ÀÖ´Â ±×·¡ÇÈÄ«µåÀÇ Á¤º¸¸¦ Á¦°øÇØÁÖ´Â ±â´ÉÀ» °¡Áö°í ÀÖ½À´Ï´Ù. CPU-Z°¡ CPU À§ÁÖ¶ó¸é, GPU-Z´Â ±×·¡ÇÈÄ«µå À§ÁÖÀÇ Á¤º¸¸¦ Á¦°øÇØÁÝ´Ï´Ù.

ÀÌ ÇÁ·Î±×·¥ÀÇ ÁÖ¿ä ±â´ÉÀ¸·Î´Â GPU ÇÁ·Î¼¼¼­ À̸§, ÄÚ¾î, ¸®ºñÁ¯, ±â¼ú°øÁ¤, ´ÙÀÌ Å©±â, ¹ÙÀÌ¿À½º ¹öÁ¯ µîÀÇ Á¤º¸¸¦ Áö¿øÇϸç Sensors ÅÇ¿¡¼­´Â GPU ÄÚ¾î Ŭ·°, ¸Þ¸ð¸® Ŭ·°, GPU ¿Âµµ¿¡ ´ëÇÑ Á¤º¸¸¦ Á¦°øÇØÁÝ´Ï´Ù. ÇÁ·Î±×·¥ ½ÇÇàÀº ´Ù¿î¹ÞÀº exe ÆÄÀÏÀ» ¹Ù·Î ½ÇÇàÇÏ½Ã¸é µË´Ï´Ù.

[ °³¼±»çÇ× ]

- Fixed RV740 Bugs: ROP count, shader count, real-time core clock, BIOS dump size
- Fixed number of transistors on RV790
- Fixed BIOS reading on RV790
- NVIDIA driver version is returned correctly on Windows 7
- GPU-Z should work again on Windows 2000 without PSAPI.DLL
- Added voltage reading support for HD 4890
- Fixed default clock reading on ATI cards that have default clock < boot clock
- Fixed GM45 to be 65 nm and DX 10.0
- Added release date for GTX 275
- Fixed GT 130M to be 55 nm and added its release date

¡Ø ÀÌ ÇÁ·Î±×·¥Àº 64-bit OS¸¦ Áö¿øÇÕ´Ï´Ù.
ªÀº±Û Àϼö·Ï ½ÅÁßÇÏ°Ô.

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