[질문] 옵테론 시피유 질문입니다.

   조회 5460   추천 10    

Manufacturer's Part Number: OSA254BLBOX 제품으로 주문을 하였는데
Manufacturer's Part Number: OSA254FAA5BL 제품이 배송되었습니다.
RMA service를 받는데 문제가 발생할 수 있는지요?
파트넘가가 다르다는 점으로 인하여 생길 수 있는 문제점은 무엇입니까?

시리얼 번호를 조회하니,
The processor serial number you have entered has not been found in our records and the processor cannot be registered online.

If this is an AMD retail packaged Processor in a Box and you have proof of purchase, please contact your regional Technical Service Center to request an RMA.

If this processor is not an AMD retail packaged Processor in a Box you will need to contact the company from which you purchased your processor or computer system to obtain any warranty replacement to which you may be entitled.

Not found in AMD database. 내용입니다.

짧은글 일수록 신중하게.

제목Page 3070/5710
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