Q10010406 - How can I enable staggered hard disk spin up on the Areca PCI series controllers?
ARC1XXX series SATA raid controller already support staggered power-up feature. It start first H/D about 8-20 second depends on M/B BIOS ( most of BIOS is about same time with first VGA bios screen show up ) then start other H/D in step 0.4 sec. But staggered power-up feature must support byH/D & back-plane (specification by SATA II Phase one).You can check with H/D specification does it support staggered power-up or not. And you should check your H/D back-plane connector (7 pins sata signal + 15 pins power) does P11 pin (the 11's pin of 15 pins power) is pull-low , floating or pull-high. According to specification P11 pin must be floating or pull-high to support staggered power-up feature.
If you don't use any H/D back-plane, just use a simple 4-pin power to 15-pin translation power cable. This kind of cable will default tie-ground P11 pin. So you can't use staggered power-up feature.
Last update: 05:21 PM Thursday, November 10, 2005
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