VMware 설치중 에러메시지?

   조회 5963   추천 10    

*** VMware Workstation internal monitor error ***
vcpu-0:VMM fault: regs=0x2d10, exc=13, eip=0xab1ed
Please report this problem by selecting menu item Help > VMware on the Web > Request Support, or by going to the Web page "http://vmware.com/info?id=8&logFile=D%3a%5cWindows%202000%20Advanced%20Server%5cvmware%2elog&coreLocation=D%3a%5cWindows%202000%20Advanced%20Server%5cvmware%2dcore%5b0%2d1%5d%2egz". Please provide us with the log file (D:\Windows 2000 Advanced Server\vmware.log) and the core file(s) (D:\Windows 2000 Advanced Server\vmware-core[0-1].gz, D:\Windows 2000 Advanced Server\vmware-vmx-4632.dmp).
If the problem is repeatable, please select 'Run with debugging information' in the Options panel of Virtual Machine Settings. Then reproduce the incident and file it according to the instructions.
To collect data to submit to VMware support, select Help > About and click "Collect Support Data". You can also run the "vm-support" script in the Workstation folder directly.
We will respond on the basis of your support entitlement.
We appreciate your feedback,
  -- the VMware Workstation team.

이게 무슨 에러문구인가요, XP도 그렇고 2000도 그렇고 도대체 해결방한이 없내요...?
짧은글 일수록 신중하게.

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