Z pro 9228, 5150 -> 5345 CPU upgrade. BIOS´Â ¾î¶»°Ô ÇؾßÇϳª¿ä?

   Á¶È¸ 5684   Ãßõ 0    

Z pro 9228 을 가지고 있습니다. 5150 xeon을 가지고 있는데, xeon 5345로 upgrade가 가능하다고


글들을 인터넷에서, 보았습니다. BIOS상에서는 지원 못한다고 알고 있는데, 특별한 버젼의 BIOS가 있나요?


그냥 1.45 version의 BIOS를 사용하면 되는건가요?


궁금해서 질문드립니다. 감사합니다.


ªÀº±Û Àϼö·Ï ½ÅÁßÇÏ°Ô.
¿ìÆǼ® 2012-10
boardman 2012-10
´äº¯ °¨»çÇÕ´Ï´Ù. ÇöÀç z pro 9228 ÀÇ ÃֽŠ¹öÀüÀÌ 1.45·Î ¾Ë°í ÀÖ½À´Ï´Ù. ±×·¡¼­ ¾÷±×·¹À̵å Çؼ­ 1.45 versionÀÇ BIOSÀÔ´Ï´Ù.
boardman 2012-10
ÇØ´äÀ» ¾Ë¾Ò½À´Ï´Ù. ( http://forum.thinkpads.com/viewtopic.php?f=25&t=92441 )

¾Æ·¡ÀÇ ±ÛÀ» ÀÐ¾î º¸¸é ¾Æ½Ã°ÚÁö¸¸, BIOS¿¡¼­ handleÇÒ¼ö ¾ø´Ù°í ³ª¿ÀÁö¸¸, ½Ç»ç¿ë¿¡¼­´Â CPU¸¦
8°³ ¸ðµÎ »ç¿ëÇÏ´Â °ÍÀ» º¼¼ö ÀÖ½À´Ï´Ù.

Confirmed - Clovertowns work. 

I've been watching this thread for some time, and decided to buy a pair of Clovertown X5365 3.0Ghz quad-cores to replace the pair of Woodcrest 5160s in my own IntelliStation 9228.

The 1.45 BIOS will complain mightily that it cannot handle the stepping of the Clovertowns, and reports only 4096Mb L2 cache, but once it flashed that error, it continues to boot Windows 7 Ultimate 64-Bit no problem.

Windows 7 reports the cores are all there, and CPU-Z shows the correct processors, cache, and memory. Benchmarking has been fun, especially considering we're talking 2006 technology here!

It would be nice to bribe somebody to write a BIOS patch to kill the error message, but it's more of an annoyance vs. show-stopper.

I also used my Koolance Exos 2 water-cooling system to keep the 2 Clovertowns happy in their new IBM home. Water temps have been bumped when benchmarking at 100% core utilization, but not too much.



9228 w/Koolance unit chugging along:


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