이걸 어떻게 바이오스를 업데이트 해야할가요?

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S875WP1-E 보드의 바이오스 업데이트 파일 다운로드 링크이고요.

다음은 바이오스 업데이트 메뉴얼 원문입니다.

BIOS Upgrade Instructions

The temporary directory should contain the following four files:
README {this file}

If all these files are not present, try extracting the downloaded
BIOS file again.

Upgrading to the Latest BIOS

1. Enter BIOS SETUP by pressing F2 repeatedly after booting the
2. Write down all settings that are unique to the system. These
settings will be needed later to reconfigure the system.
Additionally you can highlight the exit menu and choose the
'Save Custom Defaults' tab. Choosing 'Yes' will cause
the current BIOS settings to be saved as a custom default
setting. When the CMOS memory is cleared during the BIOS
Update, BIOS reads the custom defaults. If the custom
defaults are not saved, the BIOS will read the factory
defaults. Press ESC to exit BIOS.
3. After booting the operating system, be sure to verify that you
have downloaded the correct BIOS.
4. Double click the Run.bat program. Place a blank floppy in drive
a: when instructed. The Run.bat program will automatically
format and create a bootable floppy and copy the BIOS files
onto the floppy.

IMPORTANT Microsoft* WINDOWS* 98 SE users. After creating the diskette
you will initially not be able to view the contents of the diskette
through Windows* Explorer or through the A: drive on the desktop.
To view the contents you will have to eject the diskette and reinsert.
Only then will the BIOS files be accessible through Windows* Explorer
or through the A: drive on the desktop.

5. Place the bootable floppy containing the new BIOS into drive
a: of the system to be upgraded and boot the system.
6. During the BIOS update, you will be given one opportunity to
cancel the BIOS update without any changes occurring to
your system. To do this, simply press CTRL+Break when prompted.
Do not press CTRL+Break or power down your system at any other
time during the BIOS update, this could permanently damage
your system.
7. When prompted that the BIOS Update is complete, remove the
floppy and reboot the system.
8. Press F2 repeatedly during post to enter BIOS SETUP. On the first screen
within SETUP, check the BIOS version to ensure that it is
the new version.
9. If you saved the settings as custom defaults, those settings
will automatically appear now. If the system has unique settings that
you did not save by choosing 'Save Custom Defaults, re-enter
those settings now. Press F10 to save the values and exit

Note: If you need to change the language files, press CTRL+Break when
prompted and then type Iflash.

*Third-party marks and brands are the property of their
respective owners.

그러니까 내용에 따르면 이 바이오스 업데이트 파일을 가지고 실행하면 A:드라이브에 기록이 되고 그걸 로 부팅하게 되서 업데이트가 된다느건대 지금 FDD 도 없고... 가상화하니 안먹힙니다 그렇다고 이미지 파일을 뜯어봐도 ..

아무튼 해답이 안나오네요 업데이트를 도와주실수 있거나 혹은 다른 방법을 아시는 분은? 도움을 좀 주시면 감사하겠습니다.

"내가 있는곳이 내가 있어야 할 곳이고 내가 하는일이 내가 해야할 일입니다." 탐그루 "수르카 모스브루거에게
짧은글 일수록 신중하게.
우판석 2012-10
혹 cd용으로 업데이트를 하는 방법이 있지않은지요?
박문형 2012-10
보통 부팅이 도스로 되는 USB가 필요합니다.
안형곤 2012-10
그래서 저는 USB SD카드에... 리더기 꽂고..부팅하도록 해서 쓰거나 저용량 USB 메모리를 부팅용으로 써서 쓰는데..

USB는 가끔 호환성을 타더라구요(요즘 보드는 거의 다 지원하지만..).

제일 잘 되었던건 512mb 이하 USB가 제일 잘 되더군요.
영원한혁신 2012-10
안형곤님,,,  좋은 정보/팁TIP 입니다...!
어니스트 2012-10

위방법 사용 해보새요.

보드에 따라 다르지만 인텔은 동일할겁니다.

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