(To"±èÁØÀ¯"´Ô) ãÀ¸½Ã´Â ³»¿ëÀÌ,, Ȥ½Ã À̰͵éÀΰ¡¿ä? ( 3COM Switch Hub Stack ½ºÅà 3300½Ã¸®Áî PDF ÆÄÀϵé ) ((¿ä¾à³»¿ë Ãß°¡)) ½ºÀ§Äª Çãºê

   Á¶È¸ 7090   Ãßõ 0    

제목: (To"김준유"님) 찾으시는 내용이,, 혹시 이것들인가요? ( 3COM 스택 3300시리즈 PDF 파일들 )((요약내용 추가))
( *부제:  김준유님의 "스택 3300시리즈"의 "status항목이 주황색(노란색) 불이 들어오는 것"과 "7번포트가 깜박깜박하는 것"과 관련하여,,, )

(((내용추가)) (2012.12.25. 17:33)

김준유님,,, 쪽지 잘 받았습니다...!

2cpu의 정보 나눔의 즐거움이지요...

테스트 잘 하셔서,,, 잘 활용할 수 있기를.... (건투를 빕니다...!)

(((내용추가)) (2012.12.25. 16:31)

7번 포트가,,, 만약 "녹색"으로 깜빡(flashing green)이는 것이라면,,,
아마도,,, 링크는 잘 되어 있지만,,, 그 포트가 매니지먼트 설정에 의해서 디스어블(disable) 되어 있는 상태(???) 일까요 ? -> 김준유님께서 직접 확인을 해 보심이 좋을 듯 싶습니다...!

(((내용추가)) (2012.12.25. 15:41)

PDF파일 중에서 "USER Guide"의,,,,, "Front View Detail" 및 "Table 3 - LED behavior" 및 "Solving Problems Indicated by LEDs"의 "Table 5 - Problems indicated by LEDs" 항목을 보시면, "참고"가 되실 것 같네요.

해당 모델의 "Management Guide" 혹은 "Management User Guide"의 "Problem Solving chapter"부분의 PDF파일의 내용들도 참고 하십시요.

그리고, "오렌지색"이 아니고,,, "노란색(YELLOW)"입니다. "flashing yellow" 혹은 "yellow flashing" 부분을 참고하십시요.

* 요약하면,,,

노란색(오렌지색)으로 "깜박"거리는 것은,,,
 그 포트에 연결된 디바이스에 문제가 있어서 인식되지 않았거나,
 그 포트가 루프에 걸려 문제가 생겼거나,
 그 포트가, 링크는 되어 있어도, 무엇인가 문제에 의해 아니면 매니지먼트 설정부분에서, 포트가 디스어블 되었거나,

* 정상적인 상태라면,,, 녹색(green)은 100Mbps 짜리 연결이고,,, 노란색(yellow)는 10Mbps 짜리 연결이고,,, 뭐 그렇네요...

* 파워부분의 yellow led는,,, 파워셀프테스트의 오류 표시이고,,,

* 깜빡이지 않고,,, LED가 노란색(주황색/오렌지색)의 불만 들어오는 경우는,,,,,
  맨 밑부분의 PDF파일에서 인용한   다양한 경우를 언급하고 있는  영문원문을   잘 '리뷰'해보시기 바랍니다...!

김준유님께서 보다 자세하게,,, 해당 문제점과 연결시켜서 매뉴얼들을 리뷰해보시는게 좋겠습니다.

(혹시 저의 설명 내용 중에서,,, 오류가 있으면,,, 가차없이 정정/지적하여 주시기 바랍니다.)


(((내용추가)) (2012.12.25. 17:28)

* 참고로,,, 전면부 패널일러스트그림부분도,,, 캡쳐해서,,, 맨 아래에 첨부하여 두었습니다!


제목: (To"김준유"님) 찾으시는 내용이,, 혹시 이것들인가요? ( 3COM 스택 3300시리즈 PDF 파일들 )(To"김준유"님) 찾으시는 내용이,, 혹시 이것들인가요?


아래 "pdf 매뉴얼"들로,,, 김준유님의 "의문점/문제점들 해결"의 실마리를 찾을 수 있을까요? (도움이 되었으면 좋겠습니다.)

* 3300중에서 정확히 어떤 모델인지를 몰라서,,, 그냥 쭉~! 나열합니다.


SuperStack II Switch 3300 User Guide

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SuperStack II Switch 3300 XM User Guide - MTMnet Inc, Online.pdf download - 3Com Products


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SuperStack II Dual Speed Hub 500 12-Port TP (3C16610) and 24-Port TP (3C16611) User Guide
SuperStack II Dual Speed Hub 500 User Guide


(((내용추가)) (2012.12.25. 15:47)


출처: SuperStack II Dual Speed Hub 500 12-Port TP (3C16610) and 24-Port TP (3C16611) User Guide
      SuperStack II Dual Speed Hub 500 User Guide

( Status LEDs )
The Status LEDs show the state of a port and whether or not the Link Pulse signal is present on the segment connected to a port

( Green )
A 100Mbps Link Pulse signal is being received and the 100BASE-TX segment attached to the port is functional.

( Yellow )
A 10Mbps Link Pulse signal is being received and the 10BASE-T segment attached to the port is functional.

( Flashing )
The port has partitioned due to a network loop, or has been disabled by management. To remove the network loop, examine your connections and ensure that each piece of equipment is connected to your network by one connection.
You can have multiple connections for equipment (for resilience) but you must use resilient links to control them; refer to the documentation that accompanies the Management Module.


출처: SuperStack II Switch 3300 User Guide / 3C16980, 3C16981

Switch 3300 - "Front View Detail"

( Port Status LEDs )
[ Status ]
green => enabled, link OK
flashing green => disabled, link OK
off => link fail

( Expansion Module Port Status LEDs )
[ Module ]

Table 3 - LED behavior

[ Port Status LEDs ]

Yellow: Packets are being transmitted/received on the port.
Off: No packets are being transmitted/received on the port.

Green: A link is present, and the port is enabled.
Green flashing: A link is present, but the port is disabled.
Off: No link is present.

[ Expansion Module Port Status LEDs ]

Yellow: Packets are being transmitted/received on the Expansion Module port(s).
Off: No packets are being transmitted/received on the Expansion Module port(s).

Yellow: A valid Expansion Module is installed.
Yellow flashing: An unrecognized Expansion Module is installed.
Off: No Expansion Module is installed.

[ Unit LEDs ]

(1 ~ 8)
Green: The Switch forms a stack with other Switch units; the LED indicates the position of the Switch in the stack and that a link is present. Note that although here are eight LEDs, only four Switch units can be stacked at present.
Off: The Switch is stand-alone.

[ Power/Self Test LED ]

Green: The Switch is powered-up.
Green flashing: The Switch is either downloading software or is initializing (which includes running a Power On Self Test).
Yellow: The Switch has failed its Power On Self Test.
Off: The Switch is not receiving power.

[ Solving Problems Indicated by LEDs ]

If the LEDs on the Switch indicate a problem, refer to Table 5 which contains a list of problems and suggested solutions.

[ Table 5 - Problems indicated by LEDs ]

(증상 Problem) A Power LED does not light
=> (해결방법 Suggested Solution) Check that the power cable is firmly connected to the relevant Switch unit and to the supply outlet. If the connection is secure and there is still no power, you may have a faulty power cord.

(증상 Problem) On powering-up, the Power/Self Test LED lights yellow and a Unit LED lights green
=> (해결방법 Suggested Solution) The relevant Switch unit has failed its Power On Self Test (POST) because of an internal problem. Contact your supplier for advice.

(증상 Problem) An Expansion Module Status LED flashes yellow
=> (해결방법 Suggested Solution) An unrecognized Expansion Module is installed into the relevant Switch unit. You may need to remove the Module, or upgrade the management software used by the Switch to a version that recognizes the Module. Contact your supplier for further advice.

(증상 Problem) A link is connected and yet the Status LED for the port does not light
=> (해결방법 Suggested Solution)
    Check that:
  * All connections are secure.
  * The devices at both ends of the link are powered-up.
  * The connection uses cross-over cable if you are linking a 10BASE-T or 100BASE-TX port with a device that is MDIX-only.

(증상 Problem) The Packet LED for an Expansion Module is flashing even though there is no external traffic on this link
=> (해결방법 Suggested Solution) If you have a Matrix Module installed into your Switch, this is normal operation. Management software in the stack passes packets between units even if there is no other traffic activity.


For information about solving problems when managing the Switch, refer to the Problem Solving chapter in the "SuperStack II Switch Management Guide" (DUA1695-0BAA0x).



* 관련글/댓글 원소스의 링크연결주소 *



3COM Green Orange light blinking



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