µðºñ ÄÚµå °ü·Ã ¹®ÀÇ

   Á¶È¸ 6188   Ãßõ 0    

안녕하세요? 제가 디비 백업을 받지 못하고 소스만으로 디비를 구성해야 되는 상황에 있습니다.
다음 구문을 통해
Dim da1 As New OdbcDataAdapter("select c_charge, c_phone, c_email, c_name, c_tel, ZIPCODE, c_add,
                                s_number, e_number, e_charge, e_phone, c_date, c_pay, c_serial" + _
                               "from company where (c_code =" & code_NO & ")", myConnection)

Dim da2 As New OdbcDataAdapter("select m.c_saluteTF as c_saluteTF, m.c_placeTF as c_placeTF,
                                m.c_holidayTF as c_holidayTF, m.c_businessTF as c_businessTF, m.c_salute1 as c_salute1,
                                m.c_salute2 as c_salute2, " + _ "m.c_place1 as c_place1, m.c_place2 as c_place2,
                                m.c_place3 as c_place3, m.c_place4 as c_place4, m.c_place5 as c_place5,
                                m.c_place6 as c_place6, m.c_place7 as c_place7, m.c_place8 as c_place8,
                                m.c_place9 as c_place9," + _ "m.c_holiday as c_holiday, m.c_lunch as c_lunch,
                                m.c_leaving as c_leaving, m.m_nurber as m_nurber, m.c_etc as c_etc " + _
                               "from company c JOIN ment m Using(c_code) where (c.c_code = " & code_NO & ")", myConnection)

Dim da As New OdbcDataAdapter("select c.c_code as c_code, c.c_name as c_name, c.c_charge as c_charge,
                               c.c_tel as c_tel, c.c_phone as c_phone, c.ZIPCODE as ZIPCODE, c.c_add as c_add,
                               c.c_email as c_email, s.s_name as s_name, c.c_date as c_date, " + _
                               "e.e_name as e_name, c.e_charge as e_charge, c.e_phone as e_phone, c.c_pay as c_pay" + _
                               " from company c JOIN service s Using(s_number) JOIN equipment e Using(e_number)
                              order by c.c_code desc;", myConnection)
Dim da As New OdbcDataAdapter("select c.c_code as c_code, c.c_name as c_name, c.c_charge as c_charge,
                             c.c_tel as c_tel, c.c_phone as c_phone, c.ZIPCODE as ZIPCODE, c.c_add as c_add,
                             c.c_email as c_email, s.s_name as s_name, c.c_date as c_date, " + _
                              "e.e_name as e_name, c.e_charge as e_charge, c.e_phone as e_phone" + _
                              " from company c JOIN service s Using (s_number) JOIN equipment e Using(e_number) where
                             c.c_date between '" & lastweek & "%' and '" & tomorrow & "%'order by c.c_code desc;", myConnection)

Dim da As New OdbcDataAdapter("select c.c_code as c_code, c.c_name as c_name, c.c_charge as c_charge,
                              c.c_tel as c_tel, c.c_phone as c_phone, c.ZIPCODE as ZIPCODE, c.c_add as c_add,
                              c.c_email as c_email, s.s_name as s_name, c.c_date as c_date, " + _
                               "e.e_name as e_name, c.e_charge as e_charge, c.e_phone as e_phone" + _
                               " from company c JOIN service s Using (s_number) JOIN equipment e Using(e_number) where
                             c.c_date between '" & lastmonth & "%' and '" & tomorrow & "%'order by c.c_code desc;", myConnection)
Dim infoSql As String = "insert into company(c_charge,c_phone,c_email,c_name,c_tel,ZIPCODE,c_add,s_number,
                                  e_number,e_charge,e_phone,c_date,c_pay) values ('" _
                                 & charge & "','" & phone & "','" & email & "','" & company & "','" & tel & "','" & post & "',
                                 '" & add & "'," & model & "," & equipment & ",'" & e_charge & "','" & e_phone & "',SYSDATE(),false);"
Dim mentSql As String = "insert into ment values (" & code & ",'" & ment1_CHK & "','" & ment2_CHK & "',
                                   '" & ment3_CHK & "','" & ment4_CHK & "','" & salute1 & "','" & salute2 & "','" _
                                    & place1 & "','" & place2 & "','" & place3 & "','" & place4 & "','" & place5 & "','" & place6 & "',
                                   '" & place7 & "','" & place8 & "','" & place9 & "','" _
                                   & holiday & "','" & lunch & "','" & leaving & "'," & music & ",'" & etc & "');"
아래와 같이 테이블을 구성하였습니다.
< company > 테이블
c_code  c_charge  c_phone  c_email  c_name  c_tel  ZIPCODE  c_add  s_number  e_number  e_charge  e_phone  c_date  c_pay  c_serial
< ment > 테이블
c_code c_saluteTF c_placeTF c_holidayTF c_businessTF c_salute1 c_salute2 c_place1 c_place2 c_place3 c_place4 c_place5 c_place6 c_place7 c_place8 c_place9 c_holiday c_lunch c_leaving m_nurber c_etc
< service > 테이블
s_number s_name
< equipment > 테이블
e_number e_name e_charge e_phone
그러나 위 구문을 보면 Foreign key도 설정해 줘야 할것 같은데(JOIN을 사용하는 것으로 보아) 디비를 십 몇년만에 처음 접하다 보니 어렵네요.
물론 위 구문만으로는 어려울것으로(줄바꿈으로 인해 보기에도 어렵네요) 알지만 혹시나 하는 마음에
위 테이블의 외부키를 어떻게 설정해야 되는지 도움을 청해도 될까요?
ªÀº±Û Àϼö·Ï ½ÅÁßÇÏ°Ô.
AKs 2013-06
Å°´Â »ðÁú Á» ÇÏ¸é ´ëÃæ ¸¸µé ¼ö ÀÖÀ» °Í °°Àºµ¥...
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GodokNam 2013-06
¾Æ·¡ µÎ insert ±¸¹®À» ÅëÇØ µðºñ¿¡ ÀúÀåÀº Çߴµ¥ ¼¼¹ø° select ¹®À» ÅëÇØ µ¥ÀÌÅ͸¦ °¡Á®¿À¸é ¾Æ¹«°Íµµ ¾È ³ª¿É´Ï´Ù. ¼Ò½º¸¦ ¾Æ¹«¸® µÚÁ®ºÁµµ service³ª equipment Å×ÀÌºí¿¡ insert ÇÏ´Â ±¸¹®ÀÌ ¾ø¾î¿ä. µ¥ÀÌÅÍ ÇüÀº óÀ½ row °ª¸¸ int ÇüÀ¸·Î ÇÏ°í ³ª¸ÓÁö´Â ´Ù stringÀ¸·Î Çß½À´Ï´Ù.(Àúµµ µ¥ÀÌÅÍ ÇüÀ» ¾ËÁö ¸øÇϱ⠶§¹®¿¡.. ÂÁ..)
GodokNam 2013-06
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±è¹®Çü 2013-06
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2011-11   6156   »ßµ¹À̽½ÇÄÀÌ
2019-08   6156   ÁÖȲº°
2021-04   6156   ÄËƲ¸®12
2015-01   6156   ¸Ó¶óÄ«´Âµ¥
2015-08   6156   ¹Úö
2015-09   6156   ¼³¿µ¼ö
2014-05   6156   ºí·¢
2005-09   6156   ÀÌ°üÈ£
2016-02   6156   Midabo
2005-06   6156   ÃÖµ¿Çö
2014-01   6157   ±Ù¼º°¡ÀÌ
2015-10   6157   ±ÙÀ°Åë
2005-08   6157   ÇÑ»óõ
2005-04   6157   Á¤½Ââ
2014-04   6157   ¸ÚÁø³²ÀÚ
2012-10   6157   ±è°Ç¿ì
2017-09   6157   ½ÅÀº¿Ö
2012-12   6157   95GSR
2006-04   6157   ±èÁø¿ë
2014-02   6157   ÀÚ¿¬ÀÎ