/ ϸ 쿡 FTP mput  ϳ?

   ȸ 6493   õ 0    

현재 리눅스는 업무용으로 삼바나 ftp서버가 설치안되어있습니다

그리고,삼바나 ftp서버를 설치하면 안되는 상황입니다.

그래서 리눅스가 클라이언트가 되어 자기자신의 / 이하에 있는 모든 화일과 폴더를 

윈도우 FTP서버에 접속해서 다 카피해야하는데요...

mput *.* 으로 하니 폴더는 업로드가 안되네요.

어떻게 해야 될까요?

ª ϼ ϰ.
ncftp ð

mput -r * Ͻø ˴ϴ.
ǿ 2014-07


[root@user ~]# df -k
Filesystem          1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
                      18158356  11550508  5685432  68% /
/dev/cciss/c0d0p1      101086    12431    83436  13% /boot
none                  1037480        0  1037480  0% /dev/shm
                      12611112  5713092  6257408  48% /usr

Ǿִµ... ޾ƾ ϴ

 /dev/mapper/VolGroup00-LogVol00   /

/dev/mapper/VolGroup00-LogVol02 /usrε

/ ֽŴ ϸ ɰ

/dev/mapper/VolGroup00-LogVol02 /usr Ϸ  ̵ؾϳ?

/Ʒ usr ̶ /dev/mapper/VolGroup00-LogVol02 /usr̶ ٸ ƴѰ?

/usr filesystem õǵѰ...

׳ / ߴ... /usr ش޶⿡ ô..Ͻý ޶ ϴ ̾.

 ̵ؾϳ?
Windows C: ̺, D: ̺ ϴ.

ġ "/" 丮 ؼ,  ʿ信 丮 ߰ ٿ մϴ.

׷Ƿ "/Ʒ usr ̶ /dev/mapper/VolGroup00-LogVol02 /usr̶" ̴ϴ.
ǿ 2014-07
lftp ġؼ ,

mirror -R * ϸ ˴ϴ.
ǿ 2014-07
.. Ǿ־. /Ʒ usr /dev/mapper/VolGroup00-LogVol02 /usr ³?

[root@user /]# df -h
Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
                      18G  12G  5.5G  68% /
/dev/cciss/c0d0p1      99M  13M  82M  13% /boot
none                1014M    0 1014M  0% /dev/shm
                      13G  5.5G  6.0G  48% /usr

[root@user /]# ls
atempo  check  etc      initrd      media  nsr            opt    root    share  sys  usr-local-tomcat_110908.tar
bin    dev    home      lib        misc  ones+20140723  oracle  sbin    sms    tmp  var
boot    dflog  igloosec  lost+found  mnt    ones_bk.sh    proc    selinux  srv    usr
[root@user /]#
ǿ 2014-07
׷... ҹڹ  dz?

, н ҹڸ óϴµ..

쿡 ҹ ݾƿ...

usr, uSr ٸ..

ɷ ݾƿ..

usr uSrΰ ִٸ

usr, uSr״ ? ׸

ٸ ? ǹ̳׿.
غø ƽð
׿ ߻մϴ.
Ȳ 2014-07
׳ ܼ ε

id ϳ
id / ӱ ְ 켭 ftp
״ ޷ ...

ϴ ҹ Ͽ Ϻ ϴ.

ַ /home ̷ ̵ ϰŵ.
/ ͳ׿...
۾̶ ġ ٷ Žø ɵ ͳ׿.
nsys 2014-07

ftp> put "| tar cvf - ." myfile.tar

--- ---

[aaaa][07-24 13:49:37] ~ $ ftp
ftp> open *.*.* xxxxxx
Connected to *.*.*
220 *.*.* ftp service
Name (*.*.*:aaaa): bbbb
331 Please specify the password.
230 Login successful.
Remote system type is UNIX.
Using binary mode to transfer files.
ftp> passive                                                                                                       
Passive mode on.                                                                                                   
ftp> put "|tar cvf - *.pdf" test.tar
local: |tar cvf - *.pdf remote: test.tar
227 Entering Passive Mode (*,*,*,*,*,*).
150 Ok to send data.
SEC_S5PC520A_EVT1.1_Users Guide_Ver.1.10.00.pdf
226 Transfer complete.
162969600 bytes sent in 14.01 secs (11362.2 kB/s)
ftp> ls
ftp> ls
227 Entering Passive Mode (*,*,*,*,*,*).
150 Here comes the directory listing.
-rw-r--r--    1 1000    1000    162969600 Jul 24 08:02 test.tar

--- FTP Ȯ ---

*@***_*** ~ $ tar tfv test.tar
-rwxrwxrwx aaaa/aaaa 499829 2014-07-21 17:39 7_140211_LIG_Two-Wheel_A4.pdf
-rwxr--r-- aaaa/aaaa 88736742 2010-05-20 13:30 S5PV210_UM_REV1.1.pdf
-rwxr--r-- aaaa/aaaa 64460331 2013-04-08 16:40 SEC_S5PC520A_EVT1.1_Users Guide_Ver.1.10.00.pdf

FTP ϴ. α׷ Ȯ ̴ϴ.


ftp> put "|tar cvf - *.pdf" test.tar


put "|tar cfp --exclude='/dev/*' --exclude='/sys/*' --exclude='/tmp/*' --exclude='/proc/*' --exclude='/usr/*' - /" root_backup.tar

̷ Ͻø մϴ.

Ʈ tar ɼ ؼ ø ǰڳ׿.
ϸ 2014-07
а ؼ ....^^
װ Ȯϰ ...ư ׷ϴ.

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