shutdown ¸í·ÉÀ¸·Î ÀçºÎÆÃÀ» ½ÃÄ×À»¶§ ÀýÀü¸ðµå?·Î µé¾î°©´Ï´Ù.

   Á¶È¸ 6015   Ãßõ 0    

윈도8.1 + j1900 시스템에 'shutdown.exe -r -f'으로 재시작을 시키면

절전모드로 들어가는듯합니다.

윈도상의 전원옵션에선 이리저리 보긴했는데 명확하게 관련된 메뉴가 안보이는데

어떤 부분을 점검해봐야할까요?
ªÀº±Û Àϼö·Ï ½ÅÁßÇÏ°Ô.
±èÁ¦¿¬ 2015-05
ÇÏÀ̹ö³×À̼DZâ´É ²ô°í Çغ¸¼¼¿ä.
ȯŸ 2015-05

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±èÀ±¼ú 2015-05

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Àúµµ ÀÌ°Ô ÀǽɵDZä ÇÕ´Ï´Ù¸¸, windows 8 ºÎÅÍ µé¾î°¡´Â 'ºü¸¥ºÎÆÃ(Hybrid shutdown)Àº ½Ã½ºÅÛÀÇ ¼Ë´Ù¿î(Á¾·á)ÀÏ ¶§¸¸ Àû¿ë µË´Ï´Ù.
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How to Perform a Full Shutdown

If you want to shut down the computer without using the Hybrid Shutdown behavior, you can use Shutdown.exe to shut down the computer. Full shutdown is the default
when you use Shutdown.exe.

Shutdown /s /t 0

The Shutdown.exe command also includes an optional /hybrid parameter that can be used if you want to use the new method.

What About Restart?

When you restart the computer, that typically means that you want a completely new Windows state,  either because you have
installed a driver or replaced Windows elements that cannot be replaced without a full restart.

As a result, the restart process in Windows 8 continues to perform a full boot cycle, without the Hibernation performance improvement mentioned above.
ȯŸ 2015-05

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