XPEnoboot_DS3615xs_5.1-5022.2(syslinux.cfg) ¼öÁ¤¿¡ °ü·ÃÇÏ¿©

   Á¶È¸ 6522   Ãßõ 0    

XPEnoboot_DS3615xs_5.1-5022.2.img 에

syslinux.cfg 내용이 다음과 같이 있는데요.

UI menu.c32
DEFAULT xpenology
MENU TITLE XPEnoboot 5.1-5022.2

LABEL xpenology
       MENU LABEL XPEnology DSM 5.1-5022
       KERNEL /zImage
       APPEND root=/dev/md0 ihd_num=0 netif_num=4 syno_hw_version=DS3615xs sn=B3J4N01003 vid=0x0EA0 pid=0x2168 loglevel=0 vga=0x305

LABEL debug
       MENU LABEL XPEnology DSM 5.1-5022 Debug
       KERNEL /zImage
       APPEND root=/dev/md0 ihd_num=0 netif_num=4 syno_hw_version=DS3615xs sn=B3J4N01003 vid=0x0EA0 pid=0x2168 loglevel=0 vga=0x305 debug=1

LABEL install
       MENU LABEL XPEnology DSM 5.1-5022 Install/Upgrade
       KERNEL /zImage
       APPEND root=/dev/md0 ihd_num=0 netif_num=4 syno_hw_version=DS3615xs sn=B3J4N01003 vid=0x0EA0 pid=0x2168 loglevel=0 vga=0x305 upgrade=5.1-5022

위 내용에 다음 작업을 하라고 하는데 도무지 이해가 되지 않습니다.

2. Modify IMG file to prevent boot drive from showing up in DSM
- Start up WinImage
- File → Open, Select “XPEnoboot_DS3615xs_5.1-5022.2.img”
- Extract “syslinux.cfg” to your desktop
- Open “syslinux.cfg” that you just extracted, with Notepad++
- Add “rmmod=ata_piix” (without quotes) to the end of the lines that start with “APPEND”
- Save this modified “syslinux.cfg” file and “Inject” it back to the img file using WinImage (overwrite)
- Save Current Image before you exit WinImage

- Add “rmmod=ata_piix” (without quotes) to the end of the lines that start with “APPEND”
위 문구를 어디에 넣어라는것인가요?
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