ÀÌ ¿À·ù ¸Þ½ÃÁö ¹º°¡¿ä?? parallels H-Sphere

   Á¶È¸ 3779   Ãßõ 0    

거래 업체 사이트 들어가면 저런 메시지가 자주 뜨는데 
업체쪽 서버에 무슨 문제가 있는건가요?? 
업체쪽에 물어보면 데이터 업데이트 때문이라고만 하는데 ,, 그건 아닌것 같아서요.. 
2달째 계속 그러네요

This is the default H-Sphere server page. From here you are able to access the following services: 

Web Utilities:

?WebShell4?file manager

If this page is not what you wanted to get, most probably, one of the one of the following situations occured:
? Domain name refers to H-Sphere logical server, e.g., web.service-domain.com 
? Third-level domain name does not exist. Maybe, you typed it incorrectly, e.g., valeed-domain .example.com instead of valid-domain.example.com 
? Domain incorrectly points to this H-Sphere server. 

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ZSNET5 2015-10
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2014-05   4672417   Á¤ÀºÁØ1
2015-12   1219919   ¹é¸Þ°¡
2017-04   4629   ½ºÄ«¼Ò¿ï
2013-10   4629   À嵿°Ç2014
2016-03   4629   2FluF
2013-10   4629   ÅõÇìµå
2016-11   4629   AplPEC
2007-12   4629   ÀÌÇö½Å
2008-10   4629   ¿Õ¿ëÇÊ
2015-07   4629   À嵿°Ç2014
2015-02   4629   ¾Èº´±Ç
2016-02   4629   Midabo
2018-06   4629   Äðº¸ÀÌ
2017-02   4629   ¿©ÁÖÀÌ»óµ·
2006-10   4629   ±èÁ¾¿±
2006-12   4629   ³ëÇϼ®
2007-03   4629   ¹Úż±
2014-03   4629   ¹Ú
2007-07   4630   ÀÓöÇõ
2005-12   4630   ¿°Àçµµ
2008-03   4630   ÀÌÇöÁß
2018-07   4630   À¾³»³ë´Â¿Àºü