¸ÞÀκ¸µå¿¡¼­´Â sleep ¸ðµå¿Í stand by¸ðµå¸¦ ±¸ºÐÇؼ­ ¾²´Âµ¥¿ä..¾î¶²Â÷ÀÌ°¡ ÀÖ³ª¿ä?

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 구분되는 내용이 메인보드에서 sleep모드에서는 message led가 켜지고

stand by모드(s1모드)에서 윈도가 절전모드로 들어가면 power led가 깜빡인다는 내용이 있는데요.

sleep 모드는 어떤것을 말하나요? 어떻게 확인 및 테스트 할수 있나요?

ªÀº±Û Àϼö·Ï ½ÅÁßÇÏ°Ô.
Windows PCs support six different "power states":
S0 (fully running),
S1 (CPU stopped, RAM refreshed, running in low power mode),
S2 (CPU off, RAM refreshed, running in a lower power mode than S1),
S3 (traditional Standby, with the CPU off and RAM in slow refresh),
S4 (Hibernate, with the hardware off and system memory saved as a temporary file), and
S5 (Off).
Note that S2 sleep mode is often disabled in computers and is accessed only
when the computer is unable to go into S3 sleep mode.
¹Ú¹®Çü 2016-06

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