ũμ gen8 H/W ߿ ڼ

   ȸ 4825   õ 0    



김황중님이 알려주셨는데

제머리가 나쁜가봐요 ㅠㅠ 헷갈려요..

예전에 업뎃을 어케 했는지 기억도 않나요 우짬 좋아..

2015년 버젼에 계속 머물러 있네요

USB로 헤놀러지 얹을것이라.

윈도우나 리눅스를 설치하지 않아요..


초딩에게 알려 주신다고 생각하시고..부탁드려요


ª ϼ ϰ.
Ȳ 2016-11
1. Obtain a formatted USB Key media.
2. Download the SoftPaq to a directory on a system running Microsoft Windows 2000, Microsoft Windows XP, Microsoft Windows Vista, Microsoft Windows 7, Microsoft Windows Server 2003, Microsoft Windows Server 2008, or Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 and change to that directory.
3. From that drive and directory, execute the downloaded SoftPaq file: Simply double click on the SPxxxxx.exe file and follow the installation wizard to complete the SoftPaq installation process. At the end of a successful installation of the SoftPaq a web page will automatically appear to provide you with the different methods for restoring and/or upgrading the firmware on the system.
4. After the USB Key is created, you may delete the downloaded file if you wish.
5. Insert this USB Key into the USB Key port of the system to be updated and power the system on to boot to the USB Key.

Ȳ 2016-11
߿ ϱ ̰
ش ó
SPP ٿ ż
ý ְ ø
˾Ƽ Ʈݴϴ..^^

SPP ҵ ͳ׿

ֽŹ 2016.10ΰ ׷
̹ ׽Ʈ غ
ȣȯ 𸣰ڳ׿
ܴٸũ 2016-11
ū ̰ ֳ?
̴ 2016-11
USB Ҽ ֳ? USB õϱ ϴµ, Ŀ ö ΰ CD-rom Ǿִ USB õǴٰ ߰ ߴ ֽϴ .
̴ 2016-11
SPP usb ϸ õǴ ε ߴ ֽϴ.

ü ߿ ̿ usb ִ ֽϴ. bios Ʈô usb ̿ ְ,

ILO Ʈô ilo ؼ bin Ϸ ϴ Դϴ. bin ü ilo Ʈ Ǫø ɴϴ.
ҽ 2016-11
? Դϴ
USB ð ɸ ILO ž . USB ð ϸ
̰ .
õ ִٸ DVD
̴ 2016-11
̱ . SPP 뷮 Ŵ鼭 ̾DVD ϰ, SPP ϸ 뷮 ϼ ֽϴ.

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