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    Due to security requirements, downgrade to previous revisions in normal mode
    is NOT supported. Please use the BIOS Recovery procedure instead.

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                        BIOS RECOVERY INSTRUCTIONS
      The Recovery process can be initiated by setting the recovery jumper
      (called BIOS Recovery Boot Jumper).
      A BIOS recovery can be accomplished from a USB Mass Storage device.
      Please note that recovery from USB floppy is not supported on this platform.
      The recovery media must contain the following files under the root directory:
  1.  RML.ROM
  2.  UEFI iFlash32 11.0 Build 8 or higher (including ipmi.efi )
  3.  *Rec.CAP
  4.  Startup.nsh
      BIOS starts the recovery process by first loading and booting to the recovery
      image file (RML.ROM) on the root directory of the recovery media (USB disk).
      This process takes place before any video or console is available. Once the
      system boots to this recovery image file, it will boot automatically into EFI
      Shell to invoke the Startup.nsh script and start the flash update application
      (IFlash32.efi). IFlash32.efi requires the supporting BIOS Capsule image file
      (R02.06.0002Rec.CAP). After the update is complete, there will be a message displayed
      stating that the "BIOS has been updated successfully" indicating the recovery
      process is finished. The user should then power off the system and switch the
      recovery jumper back to normal operation before starting the system.
      The following steps demonstrate this recovery process:
  1.  Power OFF the system.
  2.  Insert recovery media.
  3.  Switch the recovery jumper. Details regarding the jumper ID and location
            can be obtained from the Board EPS for that Platform.
  4.  Power ON the system.
  5.  The BIOS POST screen will appear displaying the progress and system
            automatically boots to the EFI SHELL.
  6.  Startup.nsh file executes, and initiates the flash update (IFlash32.efi)
            with new capsule file (R02.06.0005Rec.CAP). The regular IFlash message will be
            displayed at the end of the process, once the flash update succeeds.
  7.  Power OFF the system by using the front panel button or the "reset -s"
            EFI Shell command, and revert the recovery jumper position to
            "normal operation".
  8.  Power ON the system.
  9.  Do *NOT* interrupt the BIOS POST during the first boot.

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