[ÇØ°á¿Ï·á] z620 ¿¡·¯ Á» ¹®Àǵ帳´Ï´Ù.

   Á¶È¸ 3449   Ãßõ 2    

전원을 켜면..

화면은 안나타나고

전원 버튼에서 빨간 점등과 비프음만 나오네요..

그래픽이랑 하드디스크 바꾸었더니 그러네요. 

혹시 이유나 해결책 아실까요?

해본 것은

그래픽 카드 바꾸어 봐도 동일

메모리 다 빼고 해봐도 동일

메모리 하나만 끼우고 해봐도 동일

2시피유 라이저 빼봐도 동일

아. .머리 아프다.. 잠은 다 잤다..

ªÀº±Û Àϼö·Ï ½ÅÁßÇÏ°Ô.
±èȲÁß 2017-04
ÀÌ ÄÉÀ̽º°¡ ¸ÂÀ»Áö ¸ð¸£°Ú³×¿ä.

Ȥ½Ã cmos ¸®¼ÂÀº ÇØ º¸¼Ì³ª¿ä?

how the CMOS reset works:
  - The AC power cord must be removed, and all power drained from the system, before the CMOS reset button works.  This is a design feature, to prevent the CMOS from being cleared if someone accidently pushes the CMOS reset button while working inside the chassis.
  - All power must be drained from the system before the CMOS reset works.  Newer systems can take up to 2 minutes to lose the on-board standby power after AC power cord is removed, which is much longer than previous generations.  One way to speed up the process is to press the power button several times with the AC power cord removed.  The system will try to power up, then shut down quickly, but this helps to drain the system quicker.
  - After the AC cord is pulled, it is hard to estimate when all power is drained.  Waiting 2 or more minutes seems like an eternity when one is watching the system.
  - It is only necessary to push the CMOS clear button once, for a short time.  Holding it down longer does not make a difference (as long as power is drained first).
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