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   Á¶È¸ 2732   Ãßõ 0    

 자유게시판에 올렸듯이 물품이 파손 되서 왔는데요

디스풋 걸었더니

wu shizhou: sorry for the problem,and i can resend one to you as compensation,what do you think?
if you agree,hope you can help cancel the dispute first,thanks.
after you cancel the dispute,pls contact us for the resending. 

이렇게 왔습니다.

디스풋 캔슬 하면 환불 해준다는거 같은데 

제가 전에 눈팅했을때는 디풋 취소 했다가 통수 맞았다는 글을 본적이 있어서요

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Àú¶ó¸é give me money first, than I will order it one more. ÀÌ·±½ÄÀ¸·Î º¸³¾ °Í °°½À´Ï´Ù...
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Refund: USD 2.22  ,no need to return goods £¨if there is a refund,normally buyer will receive the refund in 3-20 business days£©

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ÀßÇÏÀÚ 2019-06
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