LSI SAS9311-8i It Mode·Î CrossFlashing ¹æ¹ý ¹®ÀÇ

   Á¶È¸ 4696   Ãßõ 0    


LSI SAS9311-8i의 IT Mode로 CrossFlashing을 해 보신 분이 계신가요?

SAS9311-8i는 IT Mode Firmware를 제공해 주고 있는데요.

어딜 봐도 자세히 CorssFlashing 방법에 대한 내용은 없네요.

IT Mode Firmware가 있는 링크는 아래와 같습니다.

웹 서핑을 하다 보니 SAS9311-8i는 IT Mode로 전환하면 SAS9300-8i가 되는 모양입니다.

그리고 IT Mode로 펌웨어를 변경시 연결된 하드 디스크가 윈도우10에서는 어떻게 보이는지 궁금합니다.

메인 보드에 SATA 포트에 연결한 것과 동일하게 보이는 것인지, 아니면 뭔가 다른 형태로 드라이브가 잡히는 지 궁금합니다.

CrossFlashing 관련 해서 제일 잘 설명되어 있는 곳이... 

위 링크 같은데,

다른 곳에서는 점퍼 셋팅 이야기는 전혀 없지만, 유일하게 저 곳만 점퍼 셋팅을 하고 진행하도록 절차가 안내되어 있습니다.

절차만 발췌하면 아래와 같습니다.

먼저 해 보신분이나 유사 제품을 CrossFlashing 해 보신분이 계시면 도움 부탁 드립니다.



Exact sequence of steps I have followed:

  1. Prepare a bootable DOS flash with:
    1. sas3flsh.exe – flash utility
    2. SAS9300_8i_IT.bin – firmware file
    3. mptsas3.rom – bios rom file
    4. mpt3x64.rom – UEFI bios rom file (optional)
  2. Short the TP12 jumper on the board near the SAS connectors.
  3. Boot the system to the DOS mode.
  4. Flash the firmware:
    • C: \> sas3flsh.exe -f SAS9300_8i_IT.bin
    • The system will hang on the resetting the board after flashing. This is normal, the flash utility is waiting for the board to boot and the board will never boot as the flash recovery jumper is shortened. You can try to add the -noreset flag to prevent this but I have not tested it.
  5. Power off the system and remove the jumper.
  6. Boot to the DOS mode
  7. Back up the full flash and/or other regions if you want. The flash is not original at this stage but some of the regions are. I do not have any use for those backups at the moments but who knows.
    • C:\> sas3flash -o -uflash <new_file_name>
    • C:\> sas3flash -o -unvdata <new_file_name>
    • C:\> sas3flash -o -umpb <new_file_name>
  8. Erase the full flash:
    • C: \> sas3flsh -o -e 7
  9. Flash the new firmware again with ROM
    • C: \> sas3flsh -f SAS9300_8i_IT.bin -b mptsas3.rom
  10. Flash the UEFI bios is necessary
    • C: \> sas3flsh -b mpt3x64.rom
  11. Set the SAS address
    • C:\> sas3flsh -o -sasadd <full_sas_address>
  12. Reboot and install the new driver if necessary.
  13. You are done!
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ÀÓ»óÇölsh 2020-01
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M1215À» SAS9300-8i it·Î efiºÎÆÃÇØ Ç÷¡½ÃÇؼ­ µ¹·Á ½è´ø... ´ëÃæ Á¤¸®ÇÑ ÀڷẸ¸é

Flashing tool : sas3flash.efi
Legacy BIOS  : mptsas3.rom
UEFI BIOS    : mpt3x64.rom
FW file        : SAS9300_8i_IT.bin, SAS9311_8i_IR.bin (raid FW)

1. Ä«µåÀÇ J6 Á¡ÆÛ¸¦ ´Ý´Â´Ù.

2. ºÎÆà °¡´ÉÇÑ µå¶óÀ̺ê Áغñ

3. 1¹øÀÇ µå¶óÀ̺꿡 UEFI ½© º¹»ç ( \efi\boot\bootx64.efi )

4. 1¹øÀÇ µå¶óÀ̺긦 UEFI ºÎÆÃ

5. fs0:

6. sas3flash -o -e 7
  (Æß¿þ¾îÆÄÀÏ ¿ä±¸½Ã Æß¿þ¾îÆÄÀÏÀ̸§À» ³Ö¾îÁØ´Ù. ex : sas9300_8i_it.bin)

7. sas3flash -o -f SAS9300_8i_IT.bin
  (°á°ú ¸¶Áö¸· ÁÙ¿¡ ¸®¼Â½ÇÆжó°í ³ª¿ÀÁö¸¸ ¹«½Ã)

7. ÄÄÇ»ÅÍ ²ô°í Ä«µåÀÇ j6 Á¡ÆÛ ¿ø»óº¹±¸

8. sas3flash -o -f SAS9300_8i_IT.bin
  sas3flash -o -b mptsas3.rom
  sas3flash -o -b mpt3x64.rom
  sas3flash -o -sasadd 500605bXXXXXXXXX ( 500605B·Î ½ÃÀÛ. °ø¹éÀ̳ª -±âÈ£ ¹«½Ã )

  °úÁ¤ÀÌ ³¡³ª¸é ÀçºÎÆÃ


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ÀÌ Á¡ÆÛ ¼ÂÆÃÀº ¾î¶² ¿ªÇÒÀ» ÇÏ´ÂÁö ¾Ë ¼ö ÀÖÀ»±î¿ä?
±×¸®°í Erase Command Áß¿¡¼­µµ "-e 7"À̶ó°í ÆĶó¹ÌÅ͸¦ Àû¾î Á̴ּµ¥, ±âŸ ÇØ¿Ü ºí·Î±×¿¡¼­´Â "-e 6"À¸·Î »ç¿ëÇÏ°í ÀÖ½À´Ï´Ù.
±×·¡¼­ ¸Å´º¾óÀ» ã¾Ò´õ´Ï, "-e 7"Àº "Erase Complete Flash"ÀÌ°í, "-e 6"Àº "Clean flash (erase everything except manufacturing area)"¶ó°í µÇ¾î ÀÖ½À´Ï´Ù.
ÀÌ Â÷ÀÌ°¡ J6(TP12)¸¦ ¿ÀÇ ÇÏ°í ³­ ´ÙÀ½¿¡ ´Ù½Ã IT Æß¾î¿þ¾î, BIOS, UEFI BIOS¸¦ ´Ù½Ã ¹Ð¾î ³Ö¾î ÁÖ°í, SAS Addressµµ ´Ù½Ã Àû¾î ÁÖ´Â °Í°ú °ü·ÃÀÌ ÀÖ´ÂÁö¿ä?
IT Firmware¸¦ FlashingÇÏ´Â °úÁ¤Àº Á¡ÆÛ¸¦ Close ÇÑ »óÅ¿¡¼­ Çѹø ÇÏ°í, Á¡ÆÛ¸¦ Open ÇÑ »óÅ¿¡¼­ ÇÑ ¹ø ´õ ÇØ ÁÖ´Â °Íµµ Àǹ̰¡ ÀÖÀ»Áøµ¥, ÀÌÀ¯¸¦ Àß ¸ð¸£°Ú½À´Ï´Ù.

ÀÌ°ÍÀú°Í À¥¼­ÇÎÀ» ÅëÇؼ­ ãÀº ¹®¼­ Áß¿¡ sas3flsh.exe ¸í·É¿¡ ´ÙÀ½°ú °°Àº ½ºÀ§Ä¡ ¸í·ÉÀÌ ÀÖ½À´Ï´Ù.
    -ftype x:    Specify the type of flash operation to do.
                  x = ir2ir | ir2it | it2ir | it2it
                  ir2ir = Flash an IR firmware over an existing IR firmware
                  ir2it = Flash an IT firmware over an existing IR firmware
                  it2ir = Flash an IR firmware over an existing IT firmware
                  it2it = Flash an IT firmware over an existing IT firmware
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ÀÓ»óÇölsh 2020-01
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