±â°¡¹ÙÀÌÆ® BMC Æß¿þ¾î ¾÷µ¥ÀÌÆ® ¹æ¹ýÀÌ ±Ã±ÝÇÕ´Ï´Ù.

   Á¶È¸ 3169   Ãßõ 0    


현1116; 기가0148;1060;트 ga-7pxsl 보드를 사용1473;1077;니다.

오늘 6156;웨Ǻ12; ,160;색해보니 새/196;운 BMC 6156;웨Ǻ12;가 መ1;/197;1060; .104;Ǻ12;1080;Ǻ12;서 업데1060;트 Ȣ16;/140;고 합니다.

파1068;1012; 0155;아서 보니 윈도우와 DOS 환ᅆ1;에서 업데1060;트를 할 수 1080;lj16;데


1. For updating to greater than BMC 2.xx, user should make sure first that the version of running BMC is less than or equal 1.46 or greater than 2.xx

2. If running BMC is greater than 2.xx, user can directly use flash.bat or flashall.bat to update BMC.

3. If running BMC is less than 1.46 or equal, user should use flashold.bat to update BMC.

1069;Ǻ12;보니 dos환ᅆ1;에서lj16; 6156;웨Ǻ12;가 2.xx 1060;상1068;ᅆ1;우 flash.bat 또lj16; flashall.bat를 실행시켜 업데1060;트를 Ȣ16;라고 합니다.

 flashAll.bat        ; The batch file was used to update BMC (After 2.00).

 flash.bat        ; The batch file was used to update BMC with user data reserved.

.160;개1032; 업데1060;트 0176;치 파1068;1032; 차1060;1216;1012; 1096; 모르,192;습니다. Ǻ12;떤,152; 실행시켜 업데1060;트를 해야 .104;lj16;1648;요?

고수님들1032; 도움 ǥ12;ᓠ1;드립니다.

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¹Ú¹®Çü 2020-05
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PAiNrel 2020-05
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