Docker ¹è¿ï ¸¸ÇÑ °÷À̳ª Ã¥ Á» ÃßõÇØÁÖ¼¼¿ä

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docker learning - 2018
1.Introduction\01.Why create containers using Docker.mp4
1.Introduction\02.What you should know.mp4
1.Introduction\03.What is Docker.mp4
1.Introduction\04.Using the exercise files.mp4
2.1. Installing Docker\05.Setting up Docker.mp4
2.1. Installing Docker\06.Docker Toolbox.mp4
2.1. Installing Docker\07.Install Docker on Mac.mp4
2.1. Installing Docker\08.Install Docker on Windows.mp4
2.1. Installing Docker\09.Install Docker on Linux.mp4
3.2. Using Docker\10.The Docker flow - Images to containers.mp4
3.2. Using Docker\11.The Docker flow - Containers to images.mp4
3.2. Using Docker\12.Run processes in containers.mp4
3.2. Using Docker\13.Manage containers.mp4
3.2. Using Docker\14.Network between containers.mp4
3.2. Using Docker\15.Link containers.mp4
3.2. Using Docker\16.Dynamic and legacy linking.mp4
3.2. Using Docker\17.Images.mp4
3.2. Using Docker\18.Volumes.mp4
3.2. Using Docker\19.Docker registries.mp4
4.3. Building Docker Images\20.What are Dockerfiles.mp4
4.3. Building Docker Images\21.Building Dockerfiles.mp4
4.3. Building Docker Images\22.Dockerfile syntax.mp4
4.3. Building Docker Images\23.Multi-project Docker files.mp4
4.3. Building Docker Images\24.Avoid golden images.mp4
5.4. Under the Hood\25.Docker the program.mp4
5.4. Under the Hood\26.Networking and namespaces.mp4
5.4. Under the Hood\27.Processes and cgroups.mp4
5.4. Under the Hood\28.Storage.mp4
6.5. Orchestration - Building Systems with Docker\29.Registries in detail.mp4
6.5. Orchestration - Building Systems with Docker\30.Intro to orchestration.mp4
6.5. Orchestration - Building Systems with Docker\31.Kubernetes in AWS.mp4
6.5. Orchestration - Building Systems with Docker\32.Google Kubernetes Engine.mp4
7.Conclusion\33.Next steps.mp4
Exercise Files\
±è¿ìÁø 2020-11
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