z840 raid 0 구성 질문드립니다

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 z840에서 z drive quad에 m.2 ssd 2개를 넣어놓고

os설치용으로 raid 0로 해주고 싶은데 하드웨어 수준에서 묶는 방법이 있을까 해서 여쭤 봅니다

검색해도 안나오고 답답해서;; 

혹시 아시는 분 있으시면 부탁드려요 ㅠㅠ

짧은글 일수록 신중하게.
z turbo 쿼드 드라이브는 하드웨어 레이드 구성을 지원해 주지 않습니다. 그냥  nvme ssd를 4개 사용할 수 있게 해주는 것 뿐입니다. 델 울트라스피드 쿼드 드라이브도 동일합니다.
벤더 파트가 아닌 별도의 부팅가능한 nvme raid 컨트롤러는
이런거 사시면 됩니다.
kangbriel 2021-05
아 아쉽네요 ㅠㅠ 어쩔 수 없죠 뭐 답변 감사합니다 ㅎㅎ
dateno1 2021-05
RAID0를 OS용으로 쓰는 리크스도 저울질 해주세요
kangbriel 2021-05
리스크가 높을 수 있긴 하겠네요 한번에 날아가면 눈물나긴 하듯요 ㅎㅎ 답변 감사합니다
시도니 2021-05
Z8/Z6/Z4 G4 에는 RAID 구성하기 위해서 Intel VROC for NVMe ( Virtual RAID on Chip ) 이라는 별도의 제품이 필요합니다.

아래는 정보를 긁어서 보여드립니다. (보니까 Z840 은 지원 안될 것 같네요.. )


Intel® VROC for NVMe (Virtual RAID on CPU)








Intel® VROC stands for Intel® Virtual RAID on CPU. It is an enterprise RAID solution specifically designed for NVMe*-based Solid State Drives (SSDs).? The biggest advantage of Intel® VROC is the ability to manage RAID volumes with NVMe-based SSDs directly connected to CPU PCIe* lanes without using a RAID host bus adapter (HBA). As a result, Intel® VROC unleashes NVMe SSD performance potential without the complexity and power of a traditional Hardware RAID HBA.


Key feature list for Workstations:


Premium (L04570-001):? Boot RAID (0, 1, 5, 10) on CPU attached NVMe RAID volumes
Standard (L04569-001):? Boot RAID (0, 1, 10) on CPU attached NVMe RAID volumes
Close the RAID write hole - Helps to recover writes that may not have been written during a power loss condition while the system is in a RAID5 rebuild
Spanning data RAID volumes across VMD Domains
For NVMe RAID, Intel® VROC is architected to use Intel® VMD to provide the following new features that Intel® RSTe legacy NVMe RAID does not have:

Bootable RAID
RAID5 Double Fault Protection
Support for HP qualified SSDs as well as Intel® SSDs



The Intel® VROC for NVMe is compatible with the HP Z4 G4, Z6 G4 and Z8 G4 Workstations.

Supported Operating Systems:

Windows 10, Windows 7 SP2 (UEFI installations)


Supported Platforms:

Intel® Xeon® Skylake-W, Intel® Xeon® Skylake-SP

Z4 G4, Z6 G4, Z8 G4


Requires: Intel® RSTe 5.2 PV Release package


Intel® VROC for NVMe Features

No need for battery backup / RAID maintenance free backup unit
Protected write back cache - software and hardware that allows recovery from a double fault
Isolated storage devices from OS for error handling
Protected R5 data from OS crash
Boot from RAID volumes based on NVMe SSDs within a single Intel® VMD domain
3 VMD domains per CPU provide for boot from one domain and data RAID spanning across the other 2 domains.
RAID / storage management using representational state transfer (RESTful) application programming interfaces (APIs)
Graphical user interface (GUI) for Linux
4K native NVMe SSD support
NOTE: Enabling Intel® VROC support requires installation of an optional upgrade key on the motherboard


Intel® VROC upgrade key options


NVMe RAID Major Features

Standard Intel® VROC (L04569-001)

Premium Intel® VROC (L04570-001)

CPU attached NVMe SSD - high perf.

Boot on RAID volume

Third party vendor SSD support

Intel® RSTe 5.0 RAID 0/1/10

Intel® RSTe 5.0 RAID 5


RAID write hole closed (BBU replacement)


Hot plug / surprise removal (2.5” SSD form factor only; Add-in card form factor not supported)

Enclosure LED management




NOTE: Intel® VROC upgrade keys are used for PCIe NVMe SSDs in CPU PCIe slots only


Summary of Changes


Date of change:

Version History:


Description of change:


From v1 to v2





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The only warranties for HP products and services are set forth in the express warranty statements accompanying such products and services. Nothing herein should be construed as constituting an additional warranty. HP shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice.


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