IBM sk-8840 Driver 갖고 계신 분 있으신가요?

   조회 2983   추천 0    

 그냥 ps/2 단자에 연결하면 인식을 못하네요..

구글링을 아무리 해도 8840 모델 드라이버는 찾기가 힘드네요..

짧은글 일수록 신중하게.
ocarina 2021-05
윈도우 10 이면 ps2장치는 바로 인식 안될수 있습니다. 리부팅 몇번해도 안되면 regedit으로 레지스트리 설정해보시는게 우선일것 같습니다.
초호기 2021-05
오 감사합니다! 한번 해보겠습니다!
2CPU수원장 2021-05
옛날 키보드 PS/2  는 driver 설치 했었는데요.
2CPU수원장 2021-05
드라이버 이건가요?
초호기 2021-05
ps/2 단자라.. 모델명이 sk-8840입니다
2CPU수원장 2021-05
Re: sk-8840 drivers Found!! *SOLVED*
2012-11-12, 16:56 PM
Bought the keyboard, as I adore the third-button feature, and the compact design (admittedly not as good as it used to be back in the IBM days, but there you go).
But in Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit I couldn't make the third button work. I called Lenovo Support, but they are a bunch of c-*BONK*s, and totally failed to appreciate my driver needs, as well as to be polite.
So. I realized I could perhaps force an installation. So I did the following:
1) downloaded an UltraNav driver
and extracted it (default is .SWTOOLS\UNAV\x64)
2) Control Panel => System => Device Manager => Mice and other pointing devices => Right click on "Microsoft PS/2 Mouse" => Properties
3) Driver => Update Driver
4) Browse My Computer for driver software
5) Let me pick from a list... => Have disk => Browse to SWTOOLS\UNAV\x64 (or whereever you've chosen to save the driver)
6) Chose 'yes' when asked whether you are really sure you know what you are doing, restart when prompted - And off you go!
I do not know why Lenovo as being such a big company insists on not giving this kind of support, but I guess they are all Chelsea-fans...

==> 링크가  < 이거네요.
초호기 2021-05
링크에서 받긴했는데... 안 잡히더라구요... ㅠㅠ 윈도우 10입니다...
초호기 2024-03
뭐 늦었겠지만 ps/2 단자를 usb로 변환해서 윈도우11에서 잘 사용합니다.


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