CentOS iozone »ç¿ë¹æ¹ý Áú¹® µå¸³´Ï´Ù.

   Á¶È¸ 2313   Ãßõ 0    


CentOS 7.X 버1204; 사용 1473; 1077;니다.

iozone 1060;용해서, 스토리1648;에서 할NJ17;0155;1008; 볼륨에 대해 I/O 성능 테스트를 1652;행Ȣ16;/140; 합니다.

내1109; 디스크가 아닌 스토리1648;에서 할NJ17;0155;1008; 볼륨 성능1012; 테스트 Ȣ16;/140;고 Ȣ16;lj16;데, Ǻ12;떤 0169;식1004;/196; 1652;행해야 내1109;디스크가 아닌

스토리1648; 볼륨 성능1012; 볼 수 1080;1012;까요?

할NJ17;0155;1008; 볼륨1004;/196; LVM 구성해서, 해NJ17; LVM1004;/196; 특1221; 디/113;토리 마운트 시Ȗ16; 후 그 디/113;토리에 결과 파1068;1012; 떨구,172; Ȣ16;면 스토리1648; 볼륨 성능1060; 체크.104;lj16;,148;가요? 그리고, file_list 안에 1076;1032;/196; 1221;1032;한 테스트 파1068;들1008; 성능 체크 후 1088;ᇼ1;1004;/196; 삭1228;가 .104;lj16;,148;가요?

1228;가 사용한 명/16112;lj16; 아래와 같습니다. 

# iozone -R -r 8k -t 24 -s 512m R11;i 0 R11;i 2 -b 결과파1068;.xls -F `cat file_list`

NJ13;변 ǥ12;ᓠ1; 드립니다.

ªÀº±Û Àϼö·Ï ½ÅÁßÇÏ°Ô.

# /opt/iozone/bin/iozone -r 4k -s 1g -i 0 -i 1 -i 2 -t 4 -F /home/test1 /home/test2 /home/test3 /home/test4

-r #  record size in Kb
-s #  file size in Kb
        or -s #k .. size in Kb
        or -s #m .. size in Mb
        or -s #g .. size in Gb
-i #  Test to run (0=write/rewrite, 1=read/re-read, 2=random-read/write
                3=Read-backwards, 4=Re-write-record, 5=stride-read, 6=fwrite/re-fwrite
                7=fread/Re-fread, 8=random_mix, 9=pwrite/Re-pwrite, 10=pread/Re-pread
                11=pwritev/Re-pwritev, 12=preadv/Re-preadv)
-t #  Number of threads or processes to use in throughput test
-F  filenames  for each process/thread in throughput test

[root@localhost ~]# /opt/iozone/bin/iozone -r 4k -s 1g -i 0 -i 1 -i 2 -t 4 -F /home/test1 /home/test2 /home/test3 /home/test4 |tee -a /root/iozone_results.csv
        Iozone: Performance Test of File I/O
                Version $Revision: 3.392 $
                Compiled for 32 bit mode.
                Build: linux

        Contributors:William Norcott, Don Capps, Isom Crawford, Kirby Collins
                    Al Slater, Scott Rhine, Mike Wisner, Ken Goss
                    Steve Landherr, Brad Smith, Mark Kelly, Dr. Alain CYR,
                    Randy Dunlap, Mark Montague, Dan Million, Gavin Brebner,
                    Jean-Marc Zucconi, Jeff Blomberg, Benny Halevy, Dave Boone,
                    Erik Habbinga, Kris Strecker, Walter Wong, Joshua Root,
                    Fabrice Bacchella, Zhenghua Xue, Qin Li, Darren Sawyer.
                    Ben England.

        Run began: Fri May 13 19:43:37 2011

        Record Size 4 KB
        File size set to 1048576 KB
        Command line used: /opt/iozone/bin/iozone -r 4k -s 1g -i 0 -i 1 -i 2 -t 4 -F /home/test1 /home/test2 /home/test3 /home/test4
        Output is in Kbytes/sec
        Time Resolution = 0.000001 seconds.
        Processor cache size set to 1024 Kbytes.
        Processor cache line size set to 32 bytes.
        File stride size set to 17 * record size.
        Throughput test with 4 processes
        Each process writes a 1048576 Kbyte file in 4 Kbyte records

        Children see throughput for  4 initial writers  =  771805.56 KB/sec
        Parent sees throughput for  4 initial writers  =  107574.88 KB/sec
        Min throughput per process                      =  190875.83 KB/sec
        Max throughput per process                      =  195267.73 KB/sec
        Avg throughput per process                      =  192951.39 KB/sec
        Min xfer                                        = 1025000.00 KB

        Children see throughput for  4 rewriters        = 3391796.25 KB/sec
        Parent sees throughput for  4 rewriters        =  96797.89 KB/sec
        Min throughput per process                      =  822673.38 KB/sec
        Max throughput per process                      =  877410.69 KB/sec
        Avg throughput per process                      =  847949.06 KB/sec
        Min xfer                                        =  982416.00 KB

        Children see throughput for  4 readers          = 9511954.75 KB/sec
        Parent sees throughput for  4 readers          = 9368402.40 KB/sec
        Min throughput per process                      = 2354177.50 KB/sec
        Max throughput per process                      = 2391132.25 KB/sec
        Avg throughput per process                      = 2377988.69 KB/sec
        Min xfer                                        = 1032408.00 KB

        Children see throughput for 4 re-readers        = 8499812.38 KB/sec
        Parent sees throughput for 4 re-readers        = 8407168.03 KB/sec
        Min throughput per process                      = 2058757.38 KB/sec
        Max throughput per process                      = 2208727.75 KB/sec
        Avg throughput per process                      = 2124953.09 KB/sec
        Min xfer                                        =  977360.00 KB

        Children see throughput for 4 random readers    = 6872505.62 KB/sec
        Parent sees throughput for 4 random readers    = 6819204.89 KB/sec
        Min throughput per process                      = 1676897.25 KB/sec
        Max throughput per process                      = 1746703.88 KB/sec
        Avg throughput per process                      = 1718126.41 KB/sec
        Min xfer                                        = 1008352.00 KB

        Children see throughput for 4 random writers    = 3327669.69 KB/sec
        Parent sees throughput for 4 random writers    =  12103.21 KB/sec
        Min throughput per process                      =  785086.81 KB/sec
        Max throughput per process                      =  865329.56 KB/sec
        Avg throughput per process                      =  831917.42 KB/sec
        Min xfer                                        =  951340.00 KB

iozone test complete.

** csv ÆÄÀÏ·Î ÀúÀåÇÏ·Á¸é...
# /opt/iozone/bin/iozone ~~~~~ | tee -a /tmp/iozone_results.csv
±¸½ÊÆò 2021-07
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