»ç¼³/KT °øÀ¯±â ³»ºÎ °íÁ¤ ip ÇÒ´ç= DHCP ¼­¹ö »ç¿ë½Ã

   Á¶È¸ 4925   Ãßõ 0    


KT 기가빗 사용1473;1064;데요. 대역1008; 대역

서버 고1221; 아1060;피가 필요해서

1060;1228;까1648;lj16; DHCP 대역1012; ~ 127 까1648; 설122116;고,

(KT lj16; K/TV1064;가 ǐ12;문에 KT모드에서 128 1060;후lj16; 1204;화/TV에 할NJ17;함)

유ᇼ1; 아1060;피 대역1060; 할NJ17;.104;1648; 않1008; 번에서 1.40번 까1648; 번호/196; 고1221; 아1060;피를 1452;고,

kt 공유기서 포트 포워딩1012; 고1221; 아1060;피에 ,152;Ǻ12;서 사용했lj16;데요.


1312;금 생각해보니,

그냥, 윈10 네트웍 설1221; 들Ǻ12;가서, 서버1032; NIC1032; 아1060;피를,

공유기 DHCP가 1100;/140;1452;lj16; 구역1032;

아1060;피, 1593; 172.30.50 고1221;1004;/196; 0148;ǂ12;1452;고 서브넷, ,172;1060;트웨1060;

1060;/111;,172; 실1228;/196; 설122116;니,

고1221;1004;/196; 1096;1105;7176;고, 유ᇼ1;아1060;피 리스기간 1060;틀1064;가 표시도 


ipconfig/all 해보면,  기본   1060;/111;,172; 뜨고,

1064;터넷도 1096;.104;고 사용에 문1228;가 없lj16;데..

((구글서 윈10 고1221; 아1060;피 사용 Ȣ16;고  ,160;색Ȣ16;면 그냥 nic1032; 설1221;1012;

고1221; 아1060;피/196; 변ᅆ116;lj16; 0169;법들1060; 나오lj16;데, 1060;,163;1060; 실1648;/196; 1060;런식1004;/196;

디폴트 유ᇼ1; 아1060;피를 고1221;1004;/196; 0148;ǂ12;서 Ǹ16;lj16; ,163; 같아서요..)


포워딩1060;니 뭐니 귀찮,172; 사용 안Ȣ16;고 1060;/111;,172; 사용해도

문1228;가 없1012; 까요?


1221;확7176;lj16; dhcp서버가 <내ǥ12;> 아1060;피를 할NJ17;Ȣ16;lj16; 0169;법1060; Ƽ17;금Ȣ16;네요.

"랜덤Ȣ16;,172; 1648;1221;.108; 영역1032; 번호를 ǥ12;여Ȣ16;고 1453;1008; 번호lj16; 회수한다" 1221;도/196; 1060;해Ȣ16;lj16;데,

고1221;번호가 1648;1221;.104;면, 1060;,152; 1064;식해서, 1060;번호lj16; 피해가서 할NJ17;Ȣ16;lj16;1648;..?

요,172; Ƽ17;금한 ,144;네요..

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ÇÇÇØ°¥¶ó³ª¿ä?.. arp -s ip mac ÀÌ·±½ÄÀ¸·Î..
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arp Å×À̺íÀ»
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¹Ú¹®Çü 2022-07
DHCP ¼ÂÆÃÀ» ÇϳªÀÇ CŬ·¡½º Àüü ´ë¿ªÀ¸·Î ¼ÂÆÃÇÏ°í

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DHCP  IP¹øÈ£°¡ ÁßøµÇÁö¸¸ ¾ÊÀ¸¸é µË´Ï´Ù..

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static arp Å×ÀÌºí¿¡ ÁÖ¼Ò ½É¾îÁÖ´Â °Í¿¡ ´ëÇØ:
DHCP address reservation" specifically means that the router will always offer the given address whenever the host asks for one using the DHCP auto-configuration protocol.

    However, only DHCP offers were made static, but the router's IP¡æMAC neighbour cache (aka the ARP cache) is still filled in dynamically using ARP.

    Meaning, if you bypass DHCP and manually configure another host to use the reserved address, it'll work. As soon as the "IP ¡æ old MAC" cache entry expires, the router sends a new ARP query, learns the new MAC address, adds "IP ¡æ new MAC" to the ARP cache, and packets go to the 'new' host.

  "ARP binding" won't necessarily affect DHCP, but it does add a fixed IP¡æMAC entry to the router's neighbour cache.

    If another host tries to use the same IP address, the router won't know that. It will trust the fixed IP¡æMAC binding, and will always send packets to the "bound" MAC address, even if the host is actually offline.

    (Note, though: When two hosts within the same subnet communicate, they don't go through the router but send packets directly to each other. So they'll use their own neighbour caches, but will not be affected by the ARP binding done on the router. Only Internet traffic will be affected.)
ÀÏÄÉ ³ª¿À´Ï. ÇǾ¾ Çѵδë ÂëÀº ±×³É ½É¾î ³õ´Â °Íµµ ¹æ¹ýÀÏ µíÇÕ´Ï´Ù.

ÇÙ½É ±ÍÀýÀº ¿ä°Å³×¿ä==>    If another host tries to use the same IP address, the router won't know that.
 It will trust the fixed IP¡æMAC binding, and will always send packets to the "bound" MAC address, even if the host is actually offline.

KT °øÀ¯±â°¡ ¿µ ¸¾¿¡ ¾Èµé¾î¼­.. ¹æ¹ýÀ» ã´Ù ¾Ë°Ô‰ç³×¿ä.

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