Tinycore Linux ڵ ۲ ġ ƽó?

   ȸ 1343   õ 0    

M Shell for TCRP 메뉴를 한글화 해서 보여드리고 싶어서 이미 구현을 다 마쳤는데,


커다란 장벽에 막혔습니다.


Tinycore Linux 자체가 원래 경량화된 리눅스라서 유니코드 폰트들은 원래 설치가 되어 있지 않다고 합니다.


그래서 chatGPT 가 알려주는 대로 이것저것 다 깔아보고 있는데, 설치자체는 잘 되는것 처럼 보이지만 막상 aterm 에 로드 시키는게 안먹힙니다.


폰트 설치는 TTF 부터 아래 두가지

tce-load -wi unifont

tce-load -wi dejavu-fonts-ttf


그다음은 비트맵 폰트

tce-load -wi terminus-fonts



fc-cache -fv 로 적용을 해줘야 한다는것 같아서 해봤구요.


aterm 환경설정인

.Xdefaults 파일에 font 가 Fixed 로 지정된

된걸 대신 바꾸어 넣어 보기도 했구요.


aterm -fn unifont

aterm -fn "DejaVu Sans Mono:size=12"


이렇게 이것저것 다 넣어봐도 다 몰라먹는다고만 나오네요.

aterm: can't load font "unifont"

aterm: can't load font "DejaVu Sans Mono:size=12"

X 환경과 aterm 환경은 같은거라 보고 계속 자료를 찾아보는데 쉽지가 않네요.

혹시 아시는분 계실까요?

ª ϼ ϰ.
ҽ 2023-03
׷̵带 帳ϴ... 

PeterSuh-Q3   tinycore-redpill v0.9.4.0-1 Դϴ.    https://github.com/PeterSuh-Q3/tinycore-redpill/releases/tag/v0.9.4.0-1
pocopico tinycore-redpill v0.9.4.3 Դϴ.  https://github.com/pocopico/tinycore-redpill/releases

ȣ ؼ  ... ȣ ٸ tinycore-redpill ΰ?

߸ ã ִ ΰ?
ȭť 2023-03
Ͻź ż ̷ 亯 Ƚϴ.

ҽ 2023-03
  ˼ . 
TCRP ǹϴ 𸣴 ¿ ش о ߾...
˰ ִ ó   ϴٴ ±.
о ..
aterm ڵ Ѵٴ ִ
͹̳ α׷ ٲ㺸̴?
ȭť 2023-03
êGPT ýϴ.
aterm ڵ带 ʴ°?

aterm ڵ带 մϴ. ͹̳ ڵ尡 µ ֽϴ.

aterm ڵ ȴٸ, Ƹ ɼ Ůϴ. UTF-8 Ǿ ִ Ȯغ. locale ɾ Ͽ ý Ȯ ֽϴ. UTF-8 Ǵ Ȯϰ, ʴ´ٸ, ֽϴ.

export LANG=en_US.utf8
export LC_ALL=en_US.utf8
aterm ڵ尡 µǾ մϴ.

Tinycore Linux aterm Ư Ȳ 𸣰 غôµ, Ʒó locale ߻մϴ.

tc@box:~$ export LANG=en_US.utf8
tc@box:~$ export LC_ALL=en_US.utf8
tc@box:~$ aterm
aterm: Cannot set locale
tc@box:~$ xterm
aterm: Cannot set locale
ҽ 2023-03
ȭť 2023-03
մϴ. ణ ϴ. Tinycore aterm ڵ带 ʴ´ٰ ҽƴ ˷ֽ 뿡 ֳ׿.
rxvt gnome-terminal ؾ Ұ ,
tce-load -wi rxvt
ϴ rxvt ġؼ Դϴ.
unicode Ѵٰ ؼ urxvt Ŀǵ ׿.
locale κк ߰ ׿.
İ ڽϴ. ^^
ȭť 2023-03
п ߽ϴ. rxvt aterm ϳ׿.
ó Ŀǵ尡 ణǴµ, ̰ ؼ α׷ ־ڽϴ.
Tinycore ڽϴ.
chatGPT ȣȯǴ ڲ ˷ִµ Ʋ Ű local.tcz ڲ ΰ ͼ ޾ϴ.

tce-load -wi getlocale
sudo mkdir /usr/lib/locale && sudo localedef -c -i ko_KR -f UTF-8 ko_KR.UTF-8
export LANG=ko_KR.utf8
export LC_ALL=ko_KR.utf8

ȭť 2023-03
, ѱ ʹ ۳ ߳׿.
TC ο ߴ aterm ѱ ƴ϶
͹̳ PortX ؼ ѱ ߳׿. ̤
· ko_KR.utf8 ñ ߽ϴ.
TC ȿ aterm ȵ˴ϴ.
ٸ ڵ Ǵ ͹̳ urxvt ٽ ˾ƺ ڽϴ.
ÿ ɰ ϴ.

ferran, you would be better off with a UTF-8 locale. It's the standard and will prevent headaches such as this.

To solve all UTF8 issues I can think of, you need 4 things:

1. First, you need a UTF-8 locale extension. Re-run getlocale.sh and select ca_ES.UTF-8/UTF-8 (it's listed 17% down the list). This will create mylocale.tcz extension in your tce/optional/ directory

2. You also need the appropriate boot code. In your extlinux.conf make sure you have lang=ca_ES.UTF-8

3. You need a terminal font that supports UTF-8. I know that Luxi Mono supports UTF8 and is included by default, so please make sure you have this line in your ~/.Xdefaults:
Code: [Select]
URxvt*font: xft:Luxi Mono:pixelsize=14
After we know your problem is gone, you can change the font to something else.

4. This is unrelated to UTF8 support in terminal, but you need to set G_FILENAME_ENCODING to something sensible so that gtk3 applications can handle UTF8 characters in filenames. Just add this line to your ~/.profile:
Code: [Select]
export G_FILENAME_ENCODING=@locale

After you do steps 1-3 above, I promise your terminal issues will go away (in urxvt, anyway. aterm does not support UTF8).

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