¾Æ·ç¹Ù AP-505 RW Á¦Ç° ÃʱâÈ­ Çϴ¹ý ºÎŹµå¸³´Ï´Ù.

   Á¶È¸ 2756   Ãßõ 0    

1901;팔리면 1656;문Ȣ16;1648; 맙시다. 소1473;한 NJ13;변 댓글1012; 삭1228;Ȣ16;lj16;,148; ǥ12;-124;러운 1068; 1077;니다 

아루0148; 505 RW 1228;품1012; 초기화 Ȣ16;/140;고 Ȣ16;lj16;데 리셋버튼1008; 1080;lj16;데 0169;법1008; 모르,192;습니다. 

,160;색해 봐도 안나오lj16;데... 

못 찾lj16; ,148;1648; ... 아마도 못 찾lj16;,172; 맞1012; ,161;니다... 

1204;원 넣기1204;에 리셋버튼 누르고 ኧ1; 초 후에 떼면 .104;lj16;,148;1648;요... 

시리얼/196; 1217;속해서 해야 Ȣ16;lj16;,148;1648; ㅈ1204;문가님들1032; 1032;견 ǥ12;ᓠ1;드립니다. 



dz12;1060;1228;1060;님ǀ16;서 알/140;1452;신 대/196; 초기화에 성공해서 단ᇺ1; AP/196; 설122116;고 1648;금 테스트 1473;1077;니다. 

워낙 ǥ12;Ȣ16;를 ,152; 만큼1032; 뭐가 없Ǻ12;서 그냥 1064;터넷 1096; .104;lj16;1648;만 체크 1473;1077;니다.. 

초기화Ȣ16;고 리ǥ12;ᔚ116;lj16;데 까1648; 생각보다 시간1060; 많1060; ,152;/160;습니다. ᕬ1;시 ǣ17;돌 .108;,144; 아닌가 dz10;1008; 샐각1060; 들 ǐ12;  4196; 올라오네요... 

벌써 50대
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Reset Button
The reset button located on the back of the device can be used to reset the access point to factory default settings or turn off/on the LED display.
There are two ways to reset the access point to factory default settings:
Reset the AP during normal operation press and hold down the reset button using a small, narrow object such as a paper clip for more than 10 seconds during normal operation.
Reset the AP while powering up

Press and hold down the reset button using a small, narrow object such as a paper clip while the access point is not powered on (either via DC power or PoE).

Connect the power supply (DC or PoE) to the access point while the reset button is being held down.
Release the reset button on the access point after 15 seconds.
To turn off/on the LED display, press and release the reset button using a small, narrow object, such as a paperclip for less than 10 seconds during normal operation of the access point.

Read more: https://manuals.plus/aruba/500-series-ap-505-campus-access-points-manual#ixzz80i59zGJ7
sbg2005 2023-05
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