쪽팔리면 질문하지 맙시다. 소중한 답변 댓글을 삭제하는건 부끄러운 일 입니다
- VMWARE Workstation에 Xpenology를 설치하여 사용하다 보면 몇 일은 잘되다가
어느순간 PC가 검은 화면이 되면서 멈추거나 재부팅되는 증상이 계속 발생하고 있습니다.
사용 환경
- H/W : 1275v2, H77N-wifi, DDR3 16GB, ssd(512GB), HDD(12TBx2), PSU(350W)
- S/W : W10 pro + vmware workstation
xpenology(arpl 1.1-beta2a + DS920+ 42962)
재부팅되는 이유가 vmware때문인거 같아서 로그를 봤더니 아래와 같은 메세지가 주기적으로 뜨고 있습니다.
(참고로 해당 이슈로 검색되는 ESXi 패치 내역이 있었는데 Xpenology 설치시 가상 CDROM같은 H/W는 삭제 해놨습니다.)
혹시 아래 로그가 기록되는 이유가 무엇인지 알 수 있을까요?
이런 로그 때문에 PC가 재부팅되거나 검은화면으로 변할 수도 있는것인지요?
거의 한달째 알수 없는 재부팅으로 인해 xpenology 파티션이 날라가고 있어 답답함을 해결하고자 문의 남기게 되었습니다.
관련 로그
2023-05-30T12:38:48.583Z In(05) vcpu-3 AHCI-VMM:Aborting the command: 0xb0
2023-05-30T12:38:48.583Z In(05) vcpu-3 AHCI-VMM: sata0:1: Halted the port due to command abort.
2023-05-30T12:39:03.182Z In(05) vcpu-1 AHCI-VMM:Aborting the command: 0xb0
2023-05-30T12:39:03.182Z In(05) vcpu-1 AHCI-VMM: sata0:1: Halted the port due to command abort.
2023-05-30T12:39:11.191Z In(05) vcpu-1 AHCI-VMM:Aborting the command: 0xb0
2023-05-30T12:39:11.191Z In(05) vcpu-1 AHCI-VMM: sata0:1: Halted the port due to command abort.
2023-05-30T12:39:16.886Z In(05) vcpu-3 AHCI-VMM:Aborting the command: 0xb0
2023-05-30T12:39:16.886Z In(05) vcpu-3 AHCI-VMM: sata0:1: Halted the port due to command abort.
2023-05-30T12:39:27.225Z In(05) vcpu-3 AHCI-VMM:Aborting the command: 0xb0
2023-05-30T12:39:27.225Z In(05) vcpu-3 AHCI-VMM: sata0:1: Halted the port due to command abort.
2023-05-30T12:39:33.236Z In(05) vcpu-3 AHCI-VMM:Aborting the command: 0xb0
2023-05-30T12:39:33.236Z In(05) vcpu-3 AHCI-VMM: sata0:1: Halted the port due to command abort.
2023-05-30T12:39:51.272Z In(05) vcpu-3 AHCI-VMM:Aborting the command: 0xb0
2023-05-30T12:39:51.272Z In(05) vcpu-3 AHCI-VMM: sata0:1: Halted the port due to command abort.
2023-05-30T12:39:55.278Z In(05) vcpu-3 AHCI-VMM:Aborting the command: 0xb0
2023-05-30T12:39:55.278Z In(05) vcpu-3 AHCI-VMM: sata0:1: Halted the port due to command abort.
2023-05-30T12:40:15.868Z In(05) vcpu-0 AHCI-VMM:Aborting the command: 0xb0
2023-05-30T12:40:15.868Z In(05) vcpu-0 AHCI-VMM: sata0:1: Halted the port due to command abort.
2023-05-30T12:40:15.881Z In(05) vcpu-2 AHCI-VMM:Aborting the command: 0xb0
2023-05-30T12:40:15.881Z In(05) vcpu-2 AHCI-VMM: sata0:1: Halted the port due to command abort.
2023-05-30T12:40:16.890Z In(05) vcpu-2 AHCI-VMM:Aborting the command: 0xb0
2023-05-30T12:40:16.890Z In(05) vcpu-2 AHCI-VMM: sata0:1: Halted the port due to command abort.
2023-05-30T12:40:37.909Z In(05) vcpu-0 AHCI-VMM:Aborting the command: 0xb0
2023-05-30T12:40:37.909Z In(05) vcpu-0 AHCI-VMM: sata0:1: Halted the port due to command abort.
2023-05-30T12:40:39.916Z In(05) vcpu-2 AHCI-VMM:Aborting the command: 0xb0
2023-05-30T12:40:39.916Z In(05) vcpu-2 AHCI-VMM: sata0:1: Halted the port due to command abort.
2023-05-30T12:40:39.916Z In(05) vcpu-2 AHCI-VMM:Aborting the command: 0xb0
2023-05-30T12:40:39.916Z In(05) vcpu-2 AHCI-VMM: sata0:1: Halted the port due to command abort.
0xb0 Ű
sata0:1 Ű ˸ ѵ
̵ ī Ʈ ϳ º SATA Ʈ ϳ ִ ű ϵũ ִ ϴ մϴ..
Ͻø Ŀ 뷮 ø Դϴ..
Ư Ŀ 뷮
Halted the port due to command abort. -> Ѱ "PR 2179262: SATA CD-ROM ִ ý ߸ " ̶ մϴ.
-> https://docs.vmware.com/kr/VMware-vSphere/6.5/rn/esxi650-201811002.html
ƽԵ Aborting the command: 0xb0 .
PSU Xpenology ԵǸ 60W ϸ ϴ Ƹ 뷮 մϴ.
亯 ּż մϴ.
Ȥ DS920+ VMM ġϽð 10 ġؼ Ͻó?
α ý ȯ AHCI(Advanced Host Controller Interface) õ Ÿϴ.AHCI Ʈ ϵ ̺ Ǵ ָ Ʈ ̺ SATA(Serial ATA) ġ ֵ ִ ϵ ̽ Դϴ.
α (0xb0 ĺ) ߴܵǾ SATA Ʈ(sata0:1) Ǿ Ÿϴ. ϵ Ǵ Ʈ پ ο ֽϴ. ذϱ ִ ܰԴϴ.
ϵ :SATA ̽ Ǵ ý ⺻ 丮 ϵ ִ Ȯմϴ.SATA ġ ùٸ Ǿ ְ ùٸ ۵ϴ Ȯմϴ.ϸ ٸ SATA ̽ ϰų ý ٽ ʽÿ.
̹ Ǵ ߿ : ȭ Ʈ Ǵ ۹ Ͽ ý ȣƮ ýۿ ֽ ̹ ߿ ġǾ ִ Ȯմϴ.AHCI Ǵ SATA ġ õ ˷ Ǵ Ʈ ִ ü Ǵ ҽ Ȯմϴ.
Ǵ ȣȯ :丮 AHCI Ǵ SATA ȣȯ Ͽ ý մϴ. ý ȭ Ʈ Ǵ ۹ 䱸 װ ġϴ Ȯմϴ.
Ʈ 浹 Ǵ :ֽ ԵǾ ִ 찡 Ƿ ȭ Ʈ Ǵ ۹ ֽ Ʈմϴ. AHCI ɿ ִ Ʈ 浹 Ǵ ȣȯ ִ Ȯմϴ.ȭ Ʈ Ǵ ä ٸ Ǵ ַ ֽϴ.
ӵǰų ü ħ ʿ ȭ Ʈ Ǵ ۹ ߰ ؽƮ ϰų Ǵ ҽ ϴ ֽϴ.
ٸ AHCI ̹ Ʈ غų, vmware ؼ Ȳ ٲ Ȯغ ڳ.