HPE ProCurve 6600 10G J9152A 호환 지빅 문의

   조회 1710   추천 0    

네트워크 초보자 입니다

전문가님들에게  문의드립니다 HPE ProCurve 6600 10G 를 셋팅하려고 하는데 지빅 호환 가능한 파트가 있을까요?


짧은글 일수록 신중하게.
제온프로 2024-05
시도니 2024-05
해당 스위치의 호환 GBIC 리스트 입니다.

HP 6600 Switch Series (Retired) / HP 6600-24G-4XG Switch

Note 1 The following SFP+ Transceivers install into this switch:

HP X132 10G SFP+ LC ER Transceiver J9153A

HP X132 10G SFP+ LC LR Transceiver J9151A

HP X132 10G SFP+ LC LRM Transceiver J9152A  <--- 호환리스트에 있네요.

HP X132 10G SFP+ LC SR Transceiver J9150A

HP X242 10G SFP+ to SFP+ 1m Direct Attach Copper Cable J9281B

HP X242 10G SFP+ to SFP+ 3m Direct Attach Copper Cable J9283B

HP X242 10G SFP+ to SFP+ 7m Direct Attach Copper Cable J9285B

HP X244 10G XFP to SFP+ 1m Direct Attach Copper Cable J9300A

HP 10G X244 XFP to SFP+ 3m Direct Attach Copper Cable J9301A

HP 10G X244 XFP to SFP+ 5m Direct Attach Copper Cable J9302A

HP X242 10G SFP+ to SFP+ 10m Direct Attach Copper Cable J9286B

HP X242 10G SFP+ to SFP+ 15m Direct Attach Copper Cable J9287B

Note 2 The following Transceivers install into this switch:

HP X121 1G SFP LC SX Transceiver J4858C

HP X121 1G SFP LC LX Transceiver J4859C

HP X121 1G SFP LC LH Transceiver J4860C

HP X121 1G SFP RJ45 T Transceiver J8177C

HP X112 100M SFP LC BX-D Transceiver J9099B

HP X112 100M SFP LC BX-U Transceiver J9100B

HP X122 1G SFP LC BX-D Transceiver J9142B

HP X122 1G SFP LC BX-U Transceiver J9143B

HP X111 100M SFP LC FX Transceiver J9054C

Note 3

Localization required. (See Localization Menu for list.)

Note 4

Localization required on orders without #B2B or #B2C options.


Drop down under power supply should offer the following options and results:
Switch/Router/Power Supply to PDU Power Cord - #B2B in North America, Mexico, Taiwan, and Japan or #B2C ROW. (Watson Default B2B or B2C for Rack Level CTO)
Switch/Router/Power Supply to Wall Power Cord - Localized Option (Watson Default for BTO and Box Level CTO)

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