Ϳ ½

   ȸ 1545   õ 1    

최근 삼성 무한잉크 프린터 구입해서 설치 사용중입니다..

usb로 직접 연결된 윈도우10 본체에서는 문제없이 출력됩니다.

네트워크로 공유된 컴퓨터[윈도우10]에서는 마지막에 백지 한장이 더 출력되는 문제가 있습니다..

드라이버 새로 깔아도 여전하고 이거 해결 방법이 없을까요?



같은 증상 질문만 하나 검색되고   설정에서 손을 봐야 한다는 애매한 답변만 있습니다

방법이 없을까요.


기존에 연결해서 사용했던 브라더 프린터에서는 양 컴퓨터 모두 정상 출력 되었습니다..


ª ϼ ϰ.
ƮϾƺ 05-23
κ Ȯغ.
Ȥ Ӹ 
Ǿ 05-23
׷ ؼ ̹ ϳ ĸؼ ϳ µ˴ϴ..
ڹ 05-23
α׷ ׷??

Ƹ ׷ մϴ..
Ǿ 05-23
̹ ĸؼ ̾ƺ
ϸ ٽѹ Ȯ ڽϴ..
ڹ 05-23
𵨸  dz??
Ǿ 05-23
SOGm 05-23
Ȥ ׽Ʈ Ʈ ϸ  ?
ΰ濭 05-23
A4 B4  ūɷ Ǿִ° ƴϽ?
ε 05-23
LPR ߸ ֽϴ.
μӱ̴ Ϲ Ͱ ʿ ̻ Ǵ¹
Ƹ 10 缳ġ ٸ ٲ㺸 ذ ɰ ϴ.

ps : ̹ Ȯ ġص ׷ ־µ
ÿ ̻ ٸ װ ƴϳ׿.
Caig 05-23
Ʈũ Ϳ ׷ ־µ
쿡 ǿܷ ̻ ־ϴ.

USB ̺ 󱸿.
USB ̺ ü , Ϳ ް ϴ ׿
Ǿ 05-23
Printer prints blank page after every print job only from networked print jobs all windows print jobs work fine.

Printer prints blank page after every print job only from networked print jobs all windows print jobs work fine. this problem happens with any printer that does not have the setting do not print blank pages in the settings on the printer, if the printer has the setting internally in the printer and is set to not print blank pages it works fine. I had a Lexmark MS610dn that worked fine because it had this setting as an option in the printers setting.

The new printer is an HL-L6200dw the only setting for blank pages is in the software and i have turn it on but it does not stop the blank pages, I have tried other printers but if they do not have the blank page option built into the printer it will not work and prints blank pages between each job only if it is a network printed job all usb local print jobs work fine.

The program that is sending the jobs is an old program built with Universe progaming it seems to be sending the print jobs in text format so I am thinking what is being sent to the printer is the start of the problem not sure how to fix it any help would be greatly appreciated.

ܱ ε.. ¾ ذ ϴٰ ϳ׿
繫 ãƺ ڽϴ.
ѽ 05-26
raw Ͻð ̹ غ.
׷ ̹ , ɴϴ.
̹, ´ ̹ ãø DZ.
ٸ , ذغ...

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