네이버쇼핑가 37,960원입니다. Tax에 배대지 수수료 포함해도 저렴하겠네요
Micorsoft Bluetooth Mouse ($19)
Lenovo Bluetooth Mouse($14)
Lenovo has Lenovo N6901A Bluetooth Laser Mouse for $39.99 - $26 with coupon code USP1D16482 = $13.99 + free shipping.
네이버쇼핑가 37,960원입니다. Tax에 배대지 수수료 포함해도 저렴하겠네요
Micorsoft Bluetooth Mouse ($19)
Lenovo Bluetooth Mouse($14)
Lenovo has Lenovo N6901A Bluetooth Laser Mouse for $39.99 - $26 with coupon code USP1D16482 = $13.99 + free shipping.