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안녕Ȣ16;세요~ ASR9K1077;니다.

요1608; 16년 Ȣ16;0152;기 1216;,160;1060;라고 해서 0148;쁜척 Ȣ16;고 1080;습니다.

오랜만에 시간1060; 나서 그ᇼ1;안 못했Nj12; 숙1228;들1012; Ȣ16;나씩 처리 Ȣ16;/140;고 합니다.

오늘1008; 예1204;에 강한모님께서 보내1452;신 LinkSys SRW248G4 스위치1032; 콘솔1217;속 ǥ12;터 해보/157;니다.

처1020;에 1204;원 넣고 포트 테스트까1648;lj16; 1060;상 없었1648;만...가1648;고 1080;lj16; Cisco 콘솔에 DB9핀 커넥터를 연결했더니...

NJ17;연7176; .112; 1460; 알았1648;만...터0120;널 창에 글1088;가 안나Ꮢ1;니다. ㅠㅠ 시간 관계상 우선 1536;1536;~치고.....

그/100; 추후에 가1648;고 1080;lj16; 콘솔케1060;블 1665;합 시켜 놓고서....

웹에서 Cisco 콘솔 RJ-45 핀과 DB-9핀 핀0176;열1012; 비교ǥ16;석 ............> 다르네요~ㅋ

그/100; 1060;1228; 결1221;1012;.....

1안....RJ45커넥터를 1096;라서...DB-9핀에 맞춰?


2안....DB-9핀 .160;개를 1:1 케1060;블에 연결시켜?

< 1456;비물>

- USB to Serial 컨버터 , DB9핀 커넥터 2개 , 1:1 케1060;블 11312; , 터0120;널 프/196;그ǖ16;1060; 깔린 노트ǥ13;.....

>> 드디Ǻ12; 글1088;가 보1077;니다.....^^

터0120;널 설1221;1008;....

그런데.....username / Password 를 모릅니다...&#12619;&#12619;

구글링 후 Password - Recovery &#160;1652;행

Linksys Switch Password Recovery Procedure
Originally authored by Jesse Molina, 

Revision History
20060616, v1, Original document


At this time, this password recovery procedure is not made publicly available by Linksys. &#160;Furthermore, when I needed to password recover one of these switches for the first time, I was given wrong information from Linksys. &#160;As such, I'm documenting this procedure here for reference. &#160;In fact, this may be the first time this procedure has been documented.

Follow these steps to password recover the applicable Linksys switches.

Physical access of the switch is required, in order to connect the serial cable.

This procedure applies to Linksys models SRW2016, SRW2024, SRW2048, SRW224G4, SRW248G4, and possibly other switches.


1.) Connect the Linksys serial cable that came with the switch between the switch serial port and a nearby computer serial port. &#160;For Windows, use Hyper Terminal or VanDyke CRT/SecureCRT. &#160;For Linux, use minicom. &#160;For other unix types, try cu/tip.

2.) The switch default serial port configuration is set to 38400 baud, 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit, no flow control.

3.) Confirm that you have a valid serial connection by pressing enter a few times. &#160;You should be prompted with a login screen.

4.) If you have successfully established serial communication with the switch, reboot the switch by disconnecting and then reconnecting it's power cable.

5.) The switch will begin it's POST procedure as displayed in the serial terminal emulator. &#160;Be ready at the keyboard to press the Esc key.

6.) Watch for the following line to appear during the boot sequence. &#160;When you see it, immediately press the Esc key;

"Autoboot in 2 seconds - press RETURN or Esc. to abort and enter prom."

IMPORTANT: Do not hold down the Esc or Enter/Return key during the boot sequence. &#160;Only press the Esc key when prompted.

7.) If you successfully interrupted the boot sequence, you will be prompted with a Startup Menu. &#160;Option number 3 will be the "Password Recovery Procedure". &#160;Select this option.

8.) The terminal will display, "Current password will be ignored!". &#160;Press enter to continue with the boot sequence.

9.) The default account "admin/" will be enabled and you can log into the switch using this account. &#160;From here, you can set new accounts without having lost the switch configuration.

10.) After you have configured new accounts and documented the passwords, reboot the switch and log in normally to confirm that passwords have been recovered successfully.

11.) You are done. &#160;Disconnect and store the serial cable in a safe place for future use. &#160;Be sure to document a login username and password somewhere safe for future reference.

Password Recovery 후 1217;속 성공 !!!!

<내ǥ12; 네트웍에 맞,172; IP대역 변ᅆ1; Ȣ16;고 telnet 0143; ssh 설1221;>

웹 1217;속도 1096; .121;니다.

마1648;ኔ1; 최1333; 0120;션1008;....현1116; 스위치에 L2 기0152;1032; OS가 올라가 1080;Ǻ12;....

L3 기0152;1032; OS를 구해서 TFTP/196; Flash에 올린 다1020;......업그/112;1060;드 1652;행까1648; 예1221;1077;니다.

마1648;ኔ1;1004;/196; 현1116; 가1648;고 1080;lj16;, Cisco L3스위치와 기본1201;1064; 라우ᔚ1; 프/196;토콜 Static,OSPF 를 돌/140; 보,192;습니다.

1060; ǥ12;ǥ16;1008; 다1020;시간에....계속&#160;


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