
[VMWare] Vmware Esxi 8.0 U2 ٿε ź DZ ?

   ȸ 9186   õ 0    

 혹시 ..받으신분 있다면 ...

Vcenter 와 Vmware 두개 공유 부탁드리겠습니다 ㅠ.ㅠ 


요 링크엔 , 전용버전 밖에 안보이네요 ..

ȯ 06-02
VMVisor Installer ESXi ġ Դϴ.
Dreaday 06-02
մϴ!!! ٸʴϴ!!
Ͼ 07-25
⼭ ˴ٴ!! S*et  Դϴ

SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `wr_parent`) AS `cnt` FROM g4_write_vm WHERE ((INSTR(LOWER(wr_subject), LOWER('�0��0�폰�0���0�0�♥O6O-9O9'))>0) )

Illegal mix of collations (utf8mb3_general_ci,IMPLICIT) and (euckr_korean_ci,COERCIBLE) for operation 'locate' : 1267

error file : /bbs/board.php