[VMWare] Configuring VMDirectPath I/O pass-through devices on an ESX/ESXi host

   Á¶È¸ 14730   Ãßõ 1    


To configure pass-through devices on an ESX host:
  1. Select an ESX host from the Inventory of VMware vSphere Client.

    Note: If you have a chipset with VT-d, when you click Advanced Settings in vSphere Client, you can select the devices that are dedicated to the VMDirectPath I/O.

  2. In the Configuration tab, click Advanced SettingsThe Pass-through Configuration page lists all available pass-through devices.

    A green icon indicates that a device is enabled and active. An orange icon indicates that the state of the device has changed and the host must be rebooted before the device can be used.

  3. Click Edit.
  4. Select the devices and click OK.
  5. When the devices are selected, they are marked with an orange icon. Reboot for the change to take effect. After rebooting, the devices are marked with a green icon and are enabled.

    Note: The configuration changes are saved in the /etc/vmware/esx.conf file. The parent PCI bridge, and if two devices are under the same PCI bridge, only one entry is recorded. 

    The PCI slot number where the device was connected is 00:0b:0. It is recorded as:

    /device/000:11.0/owner = "passthru"

     11 is the decimal equivalent of the hexadecimal

    To configure a PCI device on a virtual machine:
  1. From the Inventory in vSphere Client, right-click the virtual machine and choose Edit Settings.
  2. Click the Hardware tab.
  3. Click Add.
  4. Choose the PCI Device.
  5. Click Next.


ESXi as a Desktop with VMDirectPath I/O

- to be continue -
ÃÖÀçÈÆ 2013-06
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